Lunch In

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As I waited on Dallas at the restaurant I kept remembering what I have to do. His wife is something else. I left the camera and wigs in the car because Dallas isn't cheating on his wife. Though he did while they were engaged is a different story. He finally walked in and came over to me. I stood as he approached.

"I thought I said 20 minutes." I said hugging him.

"Sorry lunch traffic you know how that is." He responded as we sat down.

"So what's up?" We sat down.

"I'm picking Jason up from practice today and I wanted to see where your head was at about us coming out and telling him..." I stopped him.

"Hell no Dallas. No, you won't do that to Jason or me. This secret will last forever because you're not saying nothing to anybody about anything. I'm not doing that to Jason. He knows that you're his father and we didn't work out and that's all he needs to know."

"Zarah." He tried to say but I continued.

"How about this though when you see him today make sure you tell him you're going to be at his next game. You remember me paying for all those camps right because you didn't want Christy getting suspicious. You got some nerve Dallas. Lunch is over." I got up and left.

The nerve of that man like what the hell is wrong with him. I sighed before getting in my car and sitting there. I hate what Dallas has done to us and his own family. I heard someone knock on my window and knew it was him. I rolled it down and looked at him.


"I'm sorry for making you upset. I just wasn't thinking." He said sincerely.

"As usual Dallas."

"Please, just think about it." I sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. I have to go back to work. I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek.

"I love you." I rolled my eyes because he always said this.

"Mmhmm." I pulled off and shook my head.


I watched her drive down the street and then I went to my car and left heading back downtown. I want to tell Jason about my other family now that he was of age to handle it. I was tired of hiding one from the other but I knew the consequences of doing it.
Once I made it back to the office I looked over a few more cases when Jeremy, my other son by Christy, came in.

"Hey, dad." I smirked.

"Hey, Jeremy." He sat down and sighed.

"How's your day?" My sons were so different in so many ways.

One was an athlete and hated being around a lot of people. The other was a people's person and was a junior in college studying psychology. I couldn't help but be proud of my two sons because they both made me happy. Jeremy was seven years older than Jason. I had him kind of young so I wasn't nearly as ready as I was with Jason.

"My day is still going. How about yours?"

"It's going well. I just saw mom and she seemed a little suspicious when I told her I was coming to see you."


"Yeah, but anyways what are you doing after work?"

"I have a few errands to run before I come home to dinner."

"Ok. Well, I'm going back to the center."

"How's that going?"

"Good we got some new people." The center was the rehab center me and Christy started for people with drug and alcohol problems.

"Ok, well I be home for dinner." I got up and we hugged.

"Ok, bye dad." He was about to walk out when Nathan walked in. "Hey, Uncle Nate."

"Hey, Jeremy. How you been?" He asked as they hugged.

"Good, but I got to go. See you later." Jeremy walked out as Nathan sat down.

"I need your help."

"With what?"

"I cheated on Isabelle and the woman is really crazy." I laughed hard.

"Nate come on now what's going on?"

"What you mean? I just said I cheated on Isabelle and the woman I slept with is crazy." I shook my head.

"This is the fifth time Nate come on now. You know what kind of judge I am. I see this shit everyday why don't y'all just divorce and forget about the money?"

"Money is what made us marry in the first place beside love. Now that the love is gone I just want her money now. And I can't get it if we're divorced." I shook my head.

"This is sad Nate. What about your kids?"

"Also a factor keeping us together though they are older." I sighed and looked at my clock I had an hour before Jason's practice ends.

"Nate I can't tell you what to do and I can't always help you, but if you're not happy and she's not happy just let each other go."

"Thanks, Dr. Dallas but my problem isn't my wife, it's the woman I slept with she's crazy."

"How so Nate? She slept with you that's one, so next."

"Haha very funny but anyways. She threatened to tell Isabelle once she found out I was married unless..." He stopped.

"Unless what?"

"Unless she gets $500,000 or $100,000 dollars and a black Lambo." I laughed.

"How young is she Nathan?"


"Damn Nate that's the same age as Sammy." I said referring to his daughter.

"I know but she gives me so much life. I've seen her a couple of times, but I accidentally forgot to take off my wedding ring and she flipped a bitch. Now I know if she tells Isabella, Isabella really won't care, but it's who else she's going to tell." I shrugged.

"I can't help you." I said simply.

"Oh, now you can't help me."

"Sounds to me you like the girl." I said looking into his eyes.

"And if I do like her Dal? What am I supposed to do to get her off my back?"

"I don't know, but you know I always think of something. Now get out and keep your dick in your pants until we figure this shit out."

"I like that 'we' word." He said standing.

"Don't push it, Nate." He raised his hands in surrender and left. I sighed and thought about his situation.

Nate was a different story from me as you can see but nothing ever phased him so this is like a game to him. I continued my work and twenty minutes later I left to get Jason.

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