The Truth is Out

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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I smiled remembering the events that happened last night. I didn't know what love felt like until last night and he made love to me. Or so My young mind thought. I got up and noticed a note and box beside my bed.

Sorry, I wasn't there when you woke up but I had to take care of something. I really enjoyed last night. I'll talk to you later though. Have a good day. Hope you enjoy your gift. Happy Birthday.

Love Dallas.

I smiled and opened the box and saw a diamond tennis bracket. I gasped and my smile widened. Someone knocked on my door.

"Sweetie breakfast is ready." I heard my dad say.

"I'll be down in a second." I quickly put the gift and note up.

I took a quick shower and put my hair in a ponytail. I put lotion on my body and threw on some cute shorts and a tank top then went downstairs.

"Good morning." I said sitting at the table.

"Good morning sweetie did you enjoy your party last night?" My mom asked.

"Yes, I did. Thank you guys so much."

"You're welcome. Love you princess." My dad said.

"Love you too daddy." I ate my food as my parents took care of their work from home.

I went upstairs and changed my tank top to a half off the shoulder shirt and put on my black and white Nikes.

"Hey y'all, I'm going to the mall." I said to my parents.

"Take two of the guys with you." My dad said making me sigh.

"Daddy really."

"You can stay here." He shrugged and I grunted.


My dad used to be the head of a drug cartel until he went legit into businesses. He still stuck with the bodyguards since some people still can come for him at any point in time. So now I'm stuck with them being his most 'prized possession' besides my mom. I sighed as I went to the big ass guest house full of security and knocked on the door. Uncle Tiny came to the door and let me in.

"Hey Zay." He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, Uncle Tiny." I walked into the living room and picked the first two I saw. "Come on Andre and Leland."

"Where we going?" Leland asked as they got up and followed anyway.

"The mall now come on." I walked away and towards the garage. I got in my new white Audi and started it up. They got in the car and I took off.

"Heavy foot ass." Andre mumbled but I heard him.

"Oh hush you taught me how to drive." He shook his head.

"Music please. Your driving is causing me nausea." Leland complained from the back. I laughed and turned up the radio.

When we got to the mall, they stayed behind me, but they were dressed normally so they didn't look suspicious. I picked out six hoodies from Rue 21 and ten outfits from Charlotte Russe. I was in Victoria Secret and Pink when I heard a laugh that I could never forget instantly making me happy. I turned and saw Dallas, but he wasn't alone making that happiness fade. I quickly walked out and waited for him to come out. I pulled out my phone as I saw them coming out so I 'accidentally' bumped into him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't see you." I said picking up the bags I dropped. I looked up and smiled.

"Zarah." Dallas said shocked.

"Dallas hey. Sorry I wasn't looking." I smiled softly.

"Obviously." The women said. I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know her Dallas?"

"Well he's my..."

"I was talking to Dallas." She said cutting me off.

"Excuse me. Who do you think you're talking to?" I questioned about to get pissed off by her attitude.

"I know Zarah's father. He and I are friends." Dallas said staring at me.

"How old are you little girl?" The women said, but she didn't even look that much older than me.

"Christy that's enough." Dallas said.

"Who is she Dallas?" I asked confused.

"I'm his fiancé soon to be wife." My heart fell to my feet.

"Fiancé?" She nodded and smiled. "Congratulations. Dallas didn't tell me that." I said cutting my eyes at him.

"Well, why would he? You are a child." I pinched the bridge of my nose remembering my therapy.

Yeah, the child who had sex with your man last night is what I wanted to say.

"Baby stop being rude. Zarah tell your father I will be over later to discuss somethings." He said giving me an apologetic look.

"Sure Dallas." I walked away and out of the mall. I got in the car with Andre and Leland. I started the car and sat there processing what just happened.

"Zay you ok?" Andre asked.

"Yep never better." I pulled out the parking lot and headed home.

I quickly pulled into the driveway and went inside and up to my room. I fell down on my bed and began crying. How could he do this to me? I wanted to kill him, but it was nobody's fault but mine. I knew better than to mess with some older guy, but I thought he would be different. I quickly got up and put everything he gave me except the tennis bracelet in the trash. I laid back down and cried myself to sleep.

A few hours later I heard tapping on my window waking me up. I had a banging headache so the noise was not helping. I went to the window and saw Dallas making me roll my eyes.

"Go away Dallas." I said getting upset again.

"Please let me in and let me explain." I sighed and let him in.

"You have all of 90 seconds to say what you have to say." I said crossing my arms across my chest.

"Christy and I were having problems when we met at the party. As time progressed and we became closer Christy went to rehab to get her drinking in order. She finally got out this week."

"That's why you said you love me and made love to me like you'll never see me again because you weren't coming back?" I asked and he looked away. "Dallas get out now." I said getting frustrated.

"Zarah I really do love you, but I already have a family with Christy." I slapped him as my eyes filled with tears again. This time due to rage.

"You have a child Dallas?" I felt like I didn't know him at all. "It's really time for you to go." I wasn't about to cry in front of him.

"I'm so sorry Zarah." He tried repeating, but I didn't care anymore. I was close to pushing him out of my window which was on the second floor of the house.

"I hate you Dallas. I lost my virginity to you." His face saddened even more.

"You were a virgin?" He sighed.

"Up until last night I was." I said softly.

"Your parents can't know about this." I rolled my eyes.

"Damn right they can't. Their my parents who I've disappointed."

"I have to go Zarah, but I'm only a phone call away when you're ready to talk to me again." I scoffed.

"I will never call you again." I said pushing him out my window. I laid on the bed and cried myself to sleep again. I can't believe I let this happen. I was smarter than this and I knew better.

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