Chapter Forty -Three

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My head is all foggy and I feel like my body weighs a million pounds. I can hear people talking around me and can feel both my hands being held, so try to move my fingers but I can't. There is a constant beep in the background and the last thing I remember is the warehouse. I keep fighting through the fog and eventually get my eyes to open. When I do the bright lights make me want to shut them back but I hold them open when I see my boys. They are both starting down at me while holding my hands. Before I can try to speak Kade smashes his lips down onto mine. He pulls back and Gage instantly replaces him. Just as Gage is pulling away a throat clears in the background. I look around to see my mom, Thomas, Derick, Ashlyn and a police officer.

"I'll go get the doctor" Thomas speaks and high tales it out of the room as my mother rushes to pull me into a hug. I hug her back but neither of the boys let go of my hands in the process.

"Miss. I'm glad your awake. I know you have been through a lot but if you are able I need you to tell me what happened. After the doctor has had a look." The officer speaks in a calm voice.

I swallow, clear the my throat and try to speak but I can't. Kade reaches over and grabs a cup of water for me. I gulp it down and then try to speak again. This time I can thankfully.

"I can tell you now."

Once we arrived at an abandoned warehouse; Alison put the car it park, held the knife out towards me, and gestured for me to get out. I stayed frozen in my seat. Kade just talked to her so he knows what's going on. Hopefully help will find me soon so I try to stall as long as possible but when I don't move she looks to the backseat and nods. Alec gets out and yanks me out of the car while putting the gun into my lower back. Alison starts moving  ahead of us towards the door and I plant my feet into the ground. Alec is a skinny guy without a lot of muscle and if I dead weight him, he will have a hard time moving me. He lets out a frustrated sigh as he goes to move and I don't but what he does next surprises me completely.

"Look I need you to play along so I can get us both out of here alive. Alison is batshit crazy. I had no idea she was insane when I told her I'd help her break you and the twins up. I thought she was just clingy but I was wrong. Now I've gotten us into this and I am working on getting us out. Please help me. I'm not going to hurt you. I just need her to think I will." He whispers into my ear quickly.

I snap my head back to met his eyes and I can see truth in them. As much as I dislike him it looks like he is my only hope of help until we are found. So I start moving towards the warehouse. Once we get inside he walks me over to a chair and tells me to sit. As my butt hits the chair, he moves to stand beside me. I look up at Alison as she stands there with an evil smirk on her face, she is clearly deranged but I refuse to show that she has me rattled.

"Ya know Phoebe this could have been avoided if you had just listened to me. I told you to back off and then I even brought Alec in. But then again I've already said that." She speaks.

"How did you know about Alec?" I question.

"Let's just say the secretary at your old school is not very good at her job. It barely took anything to get her to give up information about you. But that doesn't matter now. What matters now if what is fixing to happen."

"Alison I understand you are upset because the twins don't love you but do you think they are going to come running to you if you hurt me. You just told Kade you had me. They will know you are the one responsible." I rush out trying to get her to see some logic but it only makes her mad. 

"They will be upset but I'll make them better. I know they love me. I know it! You are in the way! Give me the gun Alec." She yells.

"No Alison. You aren't going to hurt her. This has gone far enough. Give me the keys. Let me take her back to the party and then let me get you some help." He counters.

"What?! Hell no! This girl is a problem. I know it. You know it. She needs to be taken care of. What is wrong with you?  Now give me the gun!"

Alison holds her hand out for the gun and when Alec refuses to give it to her, she tries to yank it out of his hand but his hold on it is to strong. I watch as they struggle and slowly stand up. Maybe I can make a dash for it while they fight but before I can move, I see Alison reach into her pocket and pull out the knife. She stabs Alec in the stomach in a quick fluid motion and he drops the gun. She lunges for it just as I take off towards the door. I hear a gun shot go off and then my side erupts in pain causing me to scream out just as I turn to see Alec tackling Alison to the ground. Her head hits the concrete hard  and bounces when he takes her down. Blood starts to pour from my side,  I drop unable to move and seeing stars. Then everything goes black just as I feel arms wrap around me.

The whole time I'm talking the officer listens intently as I clutch into the boys hands harder. I don't want to let go of them. Once I finish the officer speaks again.

"Thank you miss.We will be pressing kidnapping charges against the boy but since your story lined up with his there will be no attempted murder charge. I'm sorry for everything you have been through."

"Will Alison be charged?" I ask wondering why he didn't mention her.

"The girl was dead when we arrived. Her skull was cracked from the impact with the floor."

I look at him in disbelief and break down into tears. She was crazy and needed help but I would never wish death on anyone.

"Once again, I'm sorry for everything you've been though. There are some support groups organized by the station that might be helpful. I'll have the information sent over. Please get some rest." The officer speaks as he walks out the door.

I look between the all the people I love standing in the room. I can't bring myself to speak so read I just lay back down into the hospital bed and continue to cry. I'm quickly engulfed inbetween two bodies.

"We will get through this princess. I promise."

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