Chapter Twenty- Seven

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That bitch has no idea who she is messing with. I will never let her have them. I might have underestimated her once but I won't do it again, getting physical with her isn't going to work. I'm going to have to break her mentally.

All anyone around school knows is that she moved into town because her mom married Derick's dad. Nobody knows where she came from or anything about who she is; except me. I used my time wisely in the principles office. When I pulled her file up I made sure to write down the name of her old town and old school. I got the information I needed but I had to pay the price. I got expelled when I got caught. Now I can't keep an eye on them at school personally. I'm going to have to find someone to help me, and I think I might know where to find them.

Looking up her old school leads me to their website. As I click around on it trying to find anything useful I notice that there is a section labeled student photos. When I click on it, one of the first photos to pop up is the wicked witch herself; she is sitting on the floor with a group of people. What catches my attention most of all if that she is between a guys legs and he is whispering in her ear as she laughs. The date at the bottom of the picture says it's from two months ago. If I can find out who he is and get him here, she might go running back! I immediately click on the contact information and call the school. After a few rings the secretary answers.

"Hello, how may I help you?" She speaks quickly and clearly.

"Hi! I was calling to possibly find it some information about one of your former students?" I ask in as sweet a voice I can't manage.

"We can not give out information about current or former students." Is the reply I receive.

"I know it's against policy but I just wanted to help make Phoebe feel better. She misses home so much and won't talk about it. I just wanted to maybe get in touch with a few of her friends from there." I innocently reply. It's a long shot that she will even know who Phoebe is but I give it a shot.

"Are you talking about Phoebe Alexander? She was such a sweet girl. Her life changed so fast." The secretary whispers and I do a happy dance. She knows her! I might be able to pump information from her if I play my cards right.

"Yes that's her. I am so sorry I asked. She is just so lonely and won't let anyone to close. This a a small town and small school so when someone new starts we try to welcome them with all our hearts, but Phoebe is having a hard time. I thought maybe throwing her a party with some old friends would help." I speak.

"Well. I guess I could give you the names of a few people, but you can't let anyone know I did this. I will lose my job." The woman pleads.

"Never! I won't speak a word. It's just between us." Is my reply.

"Okay. So she has a small friend group. I think the person she was closest to was her boyfriend before she moved. His name is Alec. If you have a pen and paper I will give you his number and he should be able to help from there."

"I have one. Tell me whenever you are ready."

I quickly write down the number she tells me and tell her goodbye. People are so easy to manipulate. I type the number into my phone and press call. The phone rings and rings; just as I feel like I'm going to get the voicemail the phone is answered by a deep voice.

"Hello. Who is this? I don't have your number." Alec barks.

"Hi. My name is Alison. I go to school with Phoebe and I was wondering if you can answer a few questions for me. I got your number from your school. They said you might be able to help me." I say calmly.

"I'm not answering anything about that fat ass. I just wanted to take her virginity to win a bet, but she was to stubborn to give it up." He replies in a voice of disgust, to my surprise. Clearly she won't go running back to him, but maybe he can still help me.

"Oh she isn't to stubborn anymore. Phoebe already gave what you tired so hard to get up, and she gave it up to twin brothers that belong to me."

"Seriously! Shes been there like two weeks. I put up with her for a whole summer and then I dated her for three months. I lost a lot of money when she ended things without me fucking her." He snaps.

"I know a way you can make her pay. I don't want her here anymore. She is taking what is mine. I just need to you listen to me and everything will be fine." I reply with intent in my voice.

"I'm listening." Are the last words from his mouth as I dive into the plan I have cooked up in the short amount of time I've been talking to him. When I finish he just chuckles into the phone and agrees to take part. Now I just need to pull a few strings to set this into motion.

Phoebe is about to regret not listening to my first warning.

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