Chapter Forty- One

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"I can't believe you talked me into putting this on. I feel ridiculous. I don't even know who I'm supposed to be." I huff as Ashlyn and I pull up to the venue rented out for the Halloween party.


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"Phebs. You don't know who you are? Really? Did you not play video games when you were younger?" Ashlyn half laughs at me.

"No. I was a book and drawing kinda girl. I'm what you call video game challenged."

"Well as soon as you see the boys you will know who you are. I'm sure the boys will be ready to eat you up, that costume hugs every curve." She teases.

Instead of replying I just cut my eyes at her and shake my head while I swing the passenger door of her car open and get out. We close the car doors and head towards the entrance together before I realize I forgot my clutch in the floorboard.

"Hey Ash, can I have your keys to unlock the car so I can grab my bag I forgot it?" I yell over the already too loud music outside the door.

"Yeah but I can walk back with you if you want."

"Nah. You don't have to. It won't take but a minute. I'll be right back. Find the boys and I'll text you when  I get it so we can all meet up." I reply.

"Okay. See you in a minute." Ashlyn speaks as she throws me the keys to her car and walks in the front door while I turn around and head back towards the car.

Once I'm within distance I click the unlock button and watch the lights flash on the car as I hear the door locks click open. I quickly open the door and bend down to grab my small clutch purse that contains my phone and house keys from the floor board before straightening back up to shut the door, but as I stand back up my back meets a hard chest instead of air. I quickly go to turn around but I stop when I feel the touch of cold metal and my breathing immediately stops. There is a gun barrel being pressed against my lower back.

"Be a smart girl and just get in the car." A familiar deep voice whispers in my ear.

"Alec? What are you doing? Why do you have a gun?" I barely choke out between gasps as I'm shoved down into the car and the door is slammed as soon as I'm in.

"Oh sweet stupid girl. He is doing what I told him. I told you that nothing would stand between me and the twins. I figured you would back off when Alec came to the school but surprisingly you didn't. Once again I underestimated you. He couldn't even get close enough to taunt you because you somehow managed to twist my boys around your chubby little fingers faster than I imagined. Since he couldn't get you away from them, I will. Permanently. Now give me the keys." Alison snarled from the drivers seat.

"You are insane. I'm not giving you crap. Let me go!." I yell while reaching over to hit the lock button before Alec can climb into the backseat with the gun while reaching into my bag for my phone to dial 911.

"Eh, eh, eh. I wouldn't do that. He's not the only one who can hurt you." Alison taunts as she pulls my head up by the back of my hair and presses a knife against my throat.

"Unlock the doors, give me the keys, and the phone. NOW PHEOBE!"

I hand over the keys and phone but don't unlock the door. I stand a better chance of getting away from her alone, but she quickly realizes Alec still can't get in when he pulls hard on the back door signaling he is still locked out. Alison hits the button herself and he quickly slides in as the car is cranked and slammed into reverse. The tires spin as she pushes the gas petal to the floor. I look over and see that she is smiling; she is enjoying this. I'm in trouble, big trouble. I am going to have to figure a way out of this and quickly.

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