Part 15 - Wanted Wednesday.

Start from the beginning

"Caterpillars legs" I joked, there was about 5 different bloody pairs of black thick fake eyelashes stuck on top of each other then onto her eyes, "I'm surprised she can keep her eyes open, they look so heavy" I giggled, she looked ridiculous! "And Jodie, not everyone from Essex looks like that!" I pointed at myself, seeing as I'm from Essex.

"Alright babe" she joked, trying to use 'the Essex language' as she calls it.

"It's loaded!" Jodie informed me, looking over at the laptop screen,

"Calm" I giggled; she shot me a 'says you' look... Fair enough.

"Your internets taking forever to load" she moaned from next to me,

"Oh, get up and plug it back in then" I forgot to do that earlier.

"Why is it unplugged?"

"I unplugged it earlier, the flashing lights were annoying me" I explained, Jodie just giggled on response.

"You know you could have just turned the thing round?" She told me, giggling still.

"Alright then" I pouted, never thought of that to be honest.

"Let's do this" she squealed. Erm, is she aware she's currently dating one of these?!

*Nathan's POV*

"Mate come on" Jay moaned, pulling me by the arm.

"Get of me" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear,

"What's gotten into you?" Jay asked, slightly worried,

"He's missing her" Tom blurted out,

"Who?" Jay asked clueless,

"Oh, so we come to the US and forget about the girls we've spent the last few weeks with?!" I asked, we've been out here a day and already Jay's forgotten about Jodie and Megan.

"Nath, come on" Siva smiled softly, opening the door.

"Erugh" I moaned, walking through the tour bus and stepping out into the warm breeze,

"I know what you're going through" Siva sighed, following me until we sat on a bench somewhere around the arena.

"He doesn't though" I told Siva, brushing my hand through my hair,

"I know, when he finds someone then he will Nath but until then he won't but he'll learn and it'll get worse every time we leave, you know that right?"

"I know, I just..." I began an attempt to explain, even though Siva probably knows anyways... "Nareesha trusts you right?" I asked, changing the subject completely,

"Well, yeah, why?" Siva asked curiously,

"I just don't want Jodie to think that I'm stupid enough to forget about her and get with another girl. I know she probably won't but it's always gonna be in my mind, what if she gets sick and tired of waiting for me and finds some guy which can give her everything she wants?!" I began to rush, more of these kind of problems and thoughts racing through my mind one by one,

"Nathan, calm down mate, Jodie understands, I guess she's not like that you know. You trust her right?" Siva asked, placing his hands on my shoulder,


"Trust is one of the most important points in a relationship, it won't work without trust. You trust her not to run off and she trusts you not to break her heart. It's a two way street" he told me, sighing.

For once everything clicked into place. I grabbed my phone looking through my contacts, hovering over Jodie's number...

"What's the time in the UK?" I asked,

"Well it's half six in the morning here and we're on the east coast making it six hours time difference meaning it's half even over there. Reckon they'll be up?"

"I dunno" I admitted, "it's worth a try to be honest" I smiled, pressing the green button on my Blackberry and holding it to my ear, "You can go if you want, thanks for everything" I continued, smiling once again,

"Alright then, see you back in there!" Siva smiled, patting my back before walking back in the direction towards the bus. Now... just to see if Jodie will pick up the phone.

*Jay's POV*

"Bloody hell Jay!" Max moaned, collapsing on the sofa,


"You really just asked how Nathan's missing... Even I'm not that stupid..." Tom chuckled at himself, I shook my head,

"Well sorry" I reacted sarcastically,

"Another tantrum" Max warned as I left the room, unlocking my phone and calling Jayne. Let's just hope that all five of us won't crack under the tremendous pressure of stress and strain.

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