one hundred three : "little styles."

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harrystyles: hello

harrystyles: hi i um.. i need to ask something

theleahwoods: why do u sound so intimidated smh. im not that scary.

harrystyles: cole told me you beat him up before because he took a piece of your food

theleahwoods: ok that was ages ago

theleahwoods: and i won't say he didn't deserve it.

harrystyles: anyway, uhm im here to ask for help

theleahwoods: is this about money? bcs i got nothing

harrystyles: no...

harrystyles: serena's sick

theleahwoods: sick like colds and coughs or...

theleahwoods: sick as in 'sick' sick?

harrystyles: yeah, she's been vomiting the entire day and she says she feels dizzy

theleahwoods: maybe it's migraines?

harrystyles: i don't think migraines work like that

theleahwoods: well ok smartypants

theleahwoods: any other things going on with her? aside from the vomiting and dizziness?

harrystyles: she's been fighting me the whole day because she wants the room to be completely dark and complained about the smell of the sheets so i changed them :(( what did i do?

theleahwoods: oooooh.

theleahwoods: interesting

theleahwoods: so you two had sex? you fucking rabbits

harrystyles: uhm what

theleahwoods: here's what u gotta do

theleahwoods: run to the nearest pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test

harrystyles: you think she's pregnant?

theleahwoods: well i don't think she's dying, so yes.

harrystyles: ok i will. thanks a lot, leah.

theleahwoods: the consultation fee's 200 bucks

harrystyles: that's too much...

theleahwoods: jk just go and buy a pt already!

theleahwoods: no problem! make sure to tell me what the result is!!!!!


So he did, he ran to the nearest pharmacy and bought at least four tests for Serena, and also some chocolates to hopefully cheer her up. He was planning on buying KFC but he assumes she wouldn't be able to actually eat it because of her complaining stomach.

On the walk back home, he can't help but think. What if the tests come out negative? Or moreover, what if it came out positive? Is he going to be a father? Is he ready to be one?

He grew up with a stepfather since his biological dad and his mom separated when he was just seven, he was raised with love and happiness— something he's beyond grateful for despite his childhood being imperfect.

He honestly knows he isn't ready to be a father. But then again, who is? No one really comes prepared to be a parent, but that doesn't mean you'll give up on learning how to be one.

Growing up, he has adored the idea of a family. He idolized his stepfather for being such an amazing dad and husband to him, Gemma and Anne, and he dreamed that one day, he will be just as good as him. Someone as brave, someone as soft, someone as kind and someone as smart— that's what he aims to be when he becomes a father.

Serena has always been good with kids. She beams ear to ear every time she sees a kid or a baby, she spoils them endlessly and even reads storybooks to them; Harry was sure she was going to be an amazing mother.

There is a chance that today, he learns that he will be a father soon and that he finally has a family of his own.

He stops in front of his door as he lets out a sigh. He asks himself why is he overthinking this situation? He has no idea why. Maybe because he's nervous, excited and scared; he honestly doesn't know how he will react if he learns Serena's pregnant.

But if it is true and Serena is in fact having a child, he can't wait to buy little Styles some strollers and rattles. 

He smiles at the idea of his child wearing his overly large bandanas and letting him or her play with his guitar, or teach the kid the lines to Serena's characters and take pictures of them. Baby Styles is definitely going to be spoiled.

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