Afterwards, I rush to finish getting ready for the day. I pull on a pair of jeans and an oversized cardigan before running a hand through my hair, then I take off down the hall. I nearly throw myself through Stephanie's door, startling her.

"Lucy, what the hell? You nearly gave me a heart attack!" She exclaims, turning to me in confusion.

I don't respond. I simply stare at her, hoping my eyes are conveying what my voice cannot. To admit what I feel at this moment would be scarier than anything I've ever done in my life.

Stephanie's face softens, but she still looks perplexed. "Lucy?" She calls to me again.

I run another anxious hand through my hair, taking a deep breath before nodding towards Stephanie. I realize I must tell her what I'm sure I know.

"I think I'm pregnant." I whisper, causing her eyes to go wide.

Stephanie brings a hand to cover her shocked mouth as she stands from the bed and walks towards me. Her eyes shine hopefully as she approaches me, and I can see the edges of her mouth curl in a smile.

"Really?" She ask quietly, extending a hand towards my shoulder. I can hear the excitement oozing from her voice.

"Yes." I nod.

"You need to take a test." She orders, pulling me back towards my bedroom.

Once inside, she shuts the door behind her before nudging me towards the bathroom. I enter the bathroom and instantly lower myself to look under the sink counter. I emerge from under the counter with a box of test Roy had given me as a gag gift. Stephanie smiles encouragingly as she shuts the door, leaving me alone to discover my future.

I take a deep breath, opening the box, my hands shaking in anticipation and anxiety. I pull out two test, wondering how two small pieces of plastic could  possibly have such a monumental effect on my life. I manage to control my shaking hands and quickly take both test, leaving them on top of the sink, then exiting the bathroom.

I walk out to find Stephanie pacing the room, her nails under attack from her teeth as she chews at them. Once she notices me, she makes a beeline in my direction. I give her nervous smile and set the timer on my phone. Stephanie embraces me, then pulls me to sit on the lavish king sized bed.

"How long have you suspected?" She ask.

"A week. I wasn't sure until today." Stephanie raises an eyebrow, prompting me to go on. "I'm exhausted. I've been blaming it on the fact that I'm up all night watching the monitors, but I've also been reminding myself that I've done this for the past two years. I should be used to it. Then, there's the pain. My back, my ankles, my chest. I've been ignoring it, blaming it on the exhaustion. But after this morning, I know it can't be anything else. I've never been so sick. I still feel like throwing up. And I'm late. I'm never late." I begin rambling to myself, suddenly chastising myself for not realizing sooner. Why didn't I realize this sooner? Maybe I didn't want to. I feel as though part of me still doesn't want to.

"Lucy, Lucy." Stephanie snaps me from my daze, shaking me lightly. I turn to her with eyes I know are laced with fear and dread. Stephanie's face softens. "Oh, Lucy, it's ok. Don't be scared. Be happy. This is a good thing." She hugs me to her.

I pull away, looking into Stephanie's eyes, searching for the truth in her statement. The timer on my phone chimes, sending a jolt through me. I sit for a minute, collecting myself before standing. I hesitate in taking my first steps.

"Let's hope you're right." I give a small smile.

I walk towards the bathroom, my heartbeat increasing rapidly. I stand in front of the sink for a moment. I stare at myself in the mirror, taking a minute to really evaluate myself. This could be the last time I see myself this way. As a innocent, carefree, young woman, only responsible for herself. I take one more steadying breath before picking up the first test.

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