The Gangs All Here

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The three continued down the long hallway until they came across a door with a sign reading Test Subject Ward 3.

Ted tried the handle, but to no avail. "It's locked," he noted.

And guess what Billy did? That's right, he punched through the fucking glass and opened the door from the inside.

Walking in, they saw three people, probably older than them, chained down.

One was a girl with dark, messy hair, and brown eyes that glared at the group. She growled, revealing a mouth seemingly full of incisors.

Next to her, and trying desperately to move away from her, was a boy with brown hair, looking at the group suspiciously, and while he was trying to play it cool, Ted could see terror in his eyes.

The last was a boy in gloves with black (and very fluffy) hair, who looked very uncomfortable, and didn't even seem to notice them.

Figuring he might as well break the silence, Ted shrugged. "Well, I guess we're gonna, uh... get you out of those chains."

"I have some bobby pins with me," Sam offered. She handed one each to Ted and Billy, and the three got to work trying to pick the locks keeping the prisoners stuck.

Ted worked on the girl's. "So, uh, what's your... thing?"

She glared at him. "I eat human flesh."

"Well, this human flesh is necessary for your escape."

"Escape?!" exclaimed the blond in disbelief. "We're finally gonna get out of this hellhole!?"

"Hopefully," Ted answered.

"You seem way more excited than the others," Sam noted. "Is there, like, a specific reason for that?"


She looked down, and, lo and behold, his arm was a gun.

Billy, too, was making awkward small talk. "So, uh, what's your name?"

The shorter boy shifted. "Will. Can you get me out of here?"

"Yeah, I'm doing it."

"Can you do it faster?"

Billy frowned. "I'm doing it as fast as I can."

Finally, all chains were unlocked, and three new people were added to their party.

Ted took the lead, not knowing where he was going, but he was the most determined of them to get out. "Hey, uh, what're you guys' names?"

"Ethan," mumbled the blond.

The girl snarled. "I don't have to tell you."

"That's Lilith. She's my sister," Will put in, as Lilith rolled her eyes. He chuckled, until he noticed Ted. "Hey, why're you staring at me?"

Ted shook his head. "I'm sorry. It's just, you look like my boyfriend's best friend, and you act like my brother's girlfriend, and it's kinda throwing me off."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

"I- how?"

Ignoring him, Will instead opted to start blatantly flirting with Billy.

The thing was, he was at least 5 inches shorter than Billy. "Hey, wait, wait, wait, stop hitting on me for a sec," Billy started. "How old are you?"


"...continue," he responded, in such a tone that you could practically hear the ;)

And so, with Sam trying to stop Ethan from having a gun-arm related panic attack, Will and Billy making innuendos at each other, and Ted trying not to get brutally mauled by Lilith, they set off.

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