Good Ol' Family Bonding!

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They hung out in the Nugget cave for a while, until Penny confirmed that it was safe. The brothers went back to the hatch to find a ladder that they could've climbed down instead of falling like dumbasses. Fuck.

Wow, he usually didn't mentally swear this much. Teddy must have been rubbing off on him.

They went back up to the main room, and sat back down, heaving a sigh of relief.

And as fate would have it, Felix got a phone call.

And this time there was no running away.

Recognizing the number as his house number, Felix looked desperately to the others. Of course, they couldn't do anything, so, trembling, he took the call.

"Felix Huxley, where are you?"

His full name. That wasn't good. That was never good.

"Um, I was just, uh... just hanging out with some friends?"

"You're stammering."

"I-I-I'm sorry..."

"Come home. Now."


Tears of fear were pricking at his eyes, and the others seemed to notice.

"Felix?" Ozzy spoke up. "What's going on? Who was that?"

Felix stood up, shaking. "It," he swallowed hard before continuing, "was father. He sounded... mad."

"Uh oh," was Ted's only comment.

"I... have to go."

"I guess you do."

"He..." Felix shook his head. "It's fine. It'll be fine. I know he loves me. If anything happens, it's just what's best. For me."

Ted lifted an eyebrow, but didn't object, and Felix left, looking worried.

It was that tone again.

The tone he got when mentioning Cindy, and the tone he got when mentioning their father. The tone that proved Felix was still just a follower.

The tone that proved he needed them.



The door shut behind him, and in front were his parents, crossing their arms and glaring disapprovingly.

"Where is your brother?"

Here would be a great time to play dumb, but his parents knew him better than that. It was in his best interests to just be honest.

"He's out with some friends. Is that all you-"

"Do you remember him doing anything at this house?"

Now Felix was genuinely confused. "I don't know what you mean? What kind of-"

"Your mother and I have found traces of what we assume to be a... party. Care to explain?"

"I don't know! That was Teddy, not-"

"Felix, you were put in charge of the manor!"

"I know, but-"

"No buts! The house was your responsibility. You can't keep letting your brother be such a screw-up!"

"But I-"



So there he was. Sitting in his room with a red mark on his cheek and a slightly loosened tooth.

Then, he did something that he was sure he had never done before:

He started to cry.

A/N: Let this along with the noncon one be a warning that whenever a chapter has the phrase "good ol" that means something bad happens

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