What happened?

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Felix slowly opened his eyes and immediately began assessing the situation because he didn't remember falling asleep. Unfortunately, he noticed one big thing about the room he was in.

It was very pink.

The walls, the blanket, the dress on the- there's a dress on the ground!

That couldn't be good.

He continued to look around and oop there's his suit, on the ground, meaning he wasn't wearing it.

It didn't take a genius to realize what that meant, but even if it did Felix would have figured it out anyway because he's the superior twin.

Okay, what happened?

All he could remember was Cindy offering him a drink, him deciding it would be rude and possibly detrimental to his wellbeing to decline, and after that was all blurry.

Goddamnit, he should have known he was a lightweight!

Whatever. He wasn't going to beat himself up over it, because it was entirely Cindy's fault.

Speaking of Cindy, she was in the bed with him.


So that confirmed his suspicions.

She yawned, wrapping her arm around him. "Good morning, honey~"

"What did you do?"

He already knew what she did, but he wanted her to know that he knew.

She let out a light giggle. "Oh, nothing much. We just had some fun.~"

"Must you be so constantly lewd?"

"We just did it, Felix."

"About that, I don't remember giving explicit consent."

"You were cool with it, trust me."

"I was drunk."

"You had one drink."

"That doesn't matter!"

She looked a little hurt. "Aww, c'mon, don't yell at me like that."

Little did she know, her manipulation tactics wouldn't work on Felix Huxley, near medical psychopath.

He did, however, see that it was pointless to continue this conversation, so he gave it up. "I'm going home," he informed her, and went to find and put on his clothing.

He was totally unprepared for what he was to find.

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