Secrets Revealed

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That was what he had smelled on her. He assumed it was just his own breath, due to it being poured into his drink since his brother was just so hellbent on ruining his life, but Cindy being drunk was very much a possibility.

Normally, Cindy had a specific way of doing things. Get him drunk enough to comply, and then do it, hoping he won't remember in the morning. This was the first time in a while that he had been fully conscious throughout it.

He had forgotten how much it sucked.

I can hear you, through your screen, begging Felix to tell somebody, but he couldn't do that. To a Huxley, reputation was everything. More than friends, more than dignity, more than money. And not only was Cindy threatening his reputation, but admitting that he had gotten taken advantage of by a sweet little high school girl would ruin it for sure.

It was better to just sit tight, shut up, and give up his dignity.

And his comfort.

And his body.

Wow, his life sucked. Maybe he shouldn't have been so mean to his brother.

Speaking of his brother...

(wuh oh it's another pov swap)

Shit shit shit shit shit did he say anything?

Fuck fuck fuck fuck he can't ask if he said anything cause what if he didn't and everyone asks what he was worried about?

Here's a little rundown of the events that he could remember happening:

After getting absolutely smashed due to a dare from literally everyone, he remembered sitting next to Kid. Eventually, after a long conversation, the contents of which he couldn't remember (which was what he was concerned about), he apparently ended up falling asleep. On him.


Buggs was right there, looking smug. Said smug look earned him a stern "Don't" from Kid, which only widened his grin.

"Don't do it."

Wider grin.

"I swear to God, Buggs..."


"Goddamnit Buggs."

The room erupted into both laughter and awws.

He could remember Cindy sneaking off somewhere in the midst of it, not sure where she was going. He wasn't really all there at the time.

Goddamnit so he did do something. Fuck. He thought his life was finally getting good! Felix's day was probably going so much better, the jerk.

There were still chuckles when people saw him, some rude remarks, jokes, all that jazz. Buggs especially was really being a dick.

Well, there was only one thing left to do now.

Fist-fight Buggs in a Denny's parking lot.

A/N aaaand the comedy is BACK lads

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