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The soft, memory foam mattress.

The many cutesy pillows.

The fluffy pink blanket.

The bed where so many horrible things had happened before.

But here they are. Side by side, holding each other close. Feeling the rise and fall of each other's chests, listening to the gentle thu-thump, thu-thump of each other's heartbeats.

She leans forward for a kiss, and this time he accepts, meeting her in the middle, and all is right.

Maybe they were meant for each other. Not because they were equally bad people, but because of why that was.

They were just two kids, done wrong by their parents, led to believe that the world is a worse place than it is.

Her mother was constantly moving around, always trying to find a new man to support her, always getting into fights and breaking up.

His parents were cold and cruel, programming him like a machine to obey their every command, leaving his brother behind, being so distant.

And then they met in kindergarten.

And she tried to hurt her boyfriend's sister.

And he tried to hurt his own brother.

And their parents had won.

And then they met in high school.

And she knew she needed help.

And he wouldn't admit it, but he knew it too.

And now they were together.

And now they were okay.

But he had said no.

And she had hurt him.

And he knew he couldn't forgive her for that if he tried.

And he knew he couldn't forget how it felt to be helpless.

But for now, they were together.

And for now, they were okay.

And lulled by the sound of each other's breath, they fell asleep.


"Where is he."

It was more of a command than a question.

Things were going well. He and Kid were getting somewhere. But that wasn't important.

What was important was his brother.

Felix had left, despite the group's protests, to go to Cindy's house yesterday.

Where was he now?

Ted was scared. She could be keeping him there, forcing him to dontthinkaboutitdontthinkaboutitdontthinkaboutitdontthinkaboutit

The idea was terrifying. He didn't like it he hated it he just wanted his brother to be safe please let him be okay

Espectially since most likely, he was dontthinkaboutitdontthinkaboutitdontthinkaboutitdontthinkaboutitDONTTHINKABOUTIT

He wished Felix would have listened when they said not to trust her. Otherwise he wouldn't be DON'T THINK ABOUT IT

He just wanted his brother to be okay.

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