Absolute Chaos

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"So. Kid is tied up. Cindy is stuck here, and mostly passive. We have nothing else to do. It's time."

"It's time?" Felix asked, nervous.

"It's time," Billy confirmed.

Time for what, you might ask?

If you are asking that, you clearly don't know what The Order of Chaos is all about.


And Felix and Ozzy were on the ground, kazooing their song of woe.

Their song of woe being Megalovania.

Kid, like Cindy, was mostly back to his old self. They could tell by the tone of voice whether he was in Kid Mode or Pill Mode.

Basically, that meant he could take part in conversations.

"Wow, you guys are synchronized Megalovaniaing?" Jerome asked. "Ngl bro, that's pretty gay"

"What the fuck are you talking about Jerome we synchronized Megalovania all the damn time."

Ted let out a mock gasp of horror. "Kid! I can't believe you've been synchronized Megalovaniaing with another man!"

"It's not what you think, I swear!" Kid called out, desperately, and trying not to laugh.

They got into an argument straight out of some bad romcom, and Cindy, laughing, pointed that out. "Felix, Ozzy, thank you for providing us a soundtrack to this juicy drama. Hey, are there any more kazoos?"

Lily nodded, gesturing to a toy chest by the couch. "We were all just gonna share one, but Ozzy was NOT having it."

"And neither am I!" proclaimed Ted, gesturing toward Kid. "The only person's saliva I'm sharing is right here!

"Jesus fuck, Ted."

"That's my line!" Felix protested.

"Get BACK on the kazoo young man!"

"Fuck you," he kazood, only it sounded more like "bvuck bvoo"

Cindy, meanwhile, was fucking cackling. "God, we're so dysfunctional!"

"I'm leaving!" Ted announced dramatically. "I'm gonna make my own rebellion! With blackjack and hookers!"

Have you noticed yet that this is filler?

Yeah, it's filler.

So while the kiddos wait a week for Kid and Cindy to be back to normal, let's give some info on

What could have been

Originally, there were more plans for more conversations and content that were eventually scrapped.

You may have noticed the unlikely friendship between Felix and Carla, but unfortunately, I didn't know where to go with that. It's not abandoned just yet, but it's also not in focus.

Even now, I still don't know what would lead up to this, but there would also have been a fight between Ted and Cindy.

There were also some ideas for Ted to be pilled at some point, and try to kill his parents because that is what he would do.

Along with that, there are concepts for pretty much every pilled Order member.

Ted would be more rebellious and spiteful.

Felix would be super obedient, with almost none of his actual personality.

Carla would be blowing everything up and setting everything on fire.

Ozzy would be way more panicky.

Those are the main ones, but if you're curious about more, ask!

And I promise, there will be more character focus for some other people, namely Billy and Nugget.

Just none for Ron, Alice, and Madison.

By the end of a week-long Chaotic Bitch Convention, Kid and Cindy were back to their old selves, and everything was fine.



It seemed they all forgot about one



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