Chapter 7

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Couple days later

I have officially been here for over 2 weeks and here I am jumping on my bed bored out of my mind like a little kid. The boys surprisingly had to go on a mission. Wondering why I'm not with them? Well it's because I suck at everything they have thrown at me, and I'm still new so they don't completely trust me yet. Almost, but not entirely. Good news though, my arms finally have feeling back in them. Thankfully they let me have some days off to heal.

But I'm still bored.

I stop jumping on my bed and decide to head to the kitchen because who doesn't like to eat when they are bored? I head out of my room and head to the kitchen. Once I arrive at the doors I head in and I see it's just Maya sitting at the table on her phone.

"Hey Maya!" I say cheerfully.

I must've startled her because she almost fell out of her chair and screamed.

"Holy s- don't do that to me Hana, I got a weak heart." She replies hand on her chest.

Chuckling a little I apologize.

"I'm sorry I thought you saw me. Kinda funny though." I say stifling a laugh.

Glaring at me she sighs and looks at the floor. 

"What do you need?"

"Oh I was just bored and came in here if that's okay. Maybe I could make something?" I reply sweetly, hoping she agrees.

"Oh sure, help yourself. Just ask if you need anything." She replies half-heartedly.

"Thank you!" I cheer excitedly. That was easy to convince her. With that I began to bake.

Deciding to make cookies first, I scavenge the cupboards until I found what I need. Maya helped me find the pans which were in a cupboard I never even knew was able to fit below the oven. I grabbed butter, flour, eggs, and other ingredients but I got a buttload of chocolate chips because I am a girl and chocolate is amazing. Anyways I began to make the batter. I quickly put on an apron and started to measure ingredients by eyeballing them. As I'm measuring ingredients Maya is cautiously watching me, making sure I don't destroy her kitchen but she suddenly pipes up.

"Umm hey H, where's the measuring cups?" She questions.

"Oh those? I don't use them. I've made these enough to just eyeball it. My mom taught me that baked goods taste better if it comes from the heart and not words on paper." I reply mixing the batter.

Nodding unsure she lets me continue anyway and I begin to place the batter on the pans. Placing the cookies into the oven, I set the timer and I clean my station because I hate dirty counters, and I begin to make more goods.

Couple hours later

"Phew, I think I'm officially done Maya." I say wiping a flour covered arm on my forehead.

"It all looks really good, how did you pull this off? Like seriously, teach me your magic please." Maya begs.

"Maybe another time, I still need help packing these." I state chuckling.

Nodding she helps me pack up the goods and put them in the freezer. We put away the cookies, cupcakes, muffins, and other confections pretty quick and cleaned the countertops. I suddenly heard a ding from the oven and realized I forgot about the bread. I grab it out of the oven and place it in front of Maya.

Practically drooling over the bread, Maya speaks up, "You do realize that we have bread in bags from the store?"

Laughing I nod, " Yes I know but I was craving some homemade bread so I made it." I state smiling.

"You do realize once the boys come home and smell all of this, it will be gone almost instantly." She says concerned.

"Only the ones we left out. The other ones they will never find." I wink at her and we bust up laughing.

As we were waiting for the bread to cool we talked about everything and were having a good time until we suddenly heard yelling in the hallway.



I look at Maya and we make eye contact  for a few seconds before busting up laughing. Suddenly the door is bursted through and we instantly stop laughing. Looking over I notice that Jun and Bin are searching for the food.

"Where is the food?" Jun says looking around the kitchen determined to find whatever we made.

"Maya did you make bread?" Bin drools at the scent.

Chuckling Maya answers, "Cookies and such are on that counter and the bread is right here."

Rushing over the boys grab a couple pieces of each good and begin to eat.

"Holy smokes this is the best thing I've ever tasted." Jun practically moans while eating a cookie.

"This bread is heavenly. How did you make this all Maya?" Bin states almost euphorically.

"Actually it was all Hana, I just helped pack it all up." Maya states proudly looking at me.

The two boys mouths were agape due to shock. Snapping out of it Jun speaks up.

"You made all of this? How?"

"It's a secret. And I was bored so what else would I have done all day?" I smile at the boys.

Nodding they give their thanks and continue to eat when suddenly two more bodies peek into the kitchen.

"Is that bread I smell?" Beomgyu speaks up shyly for him and Tae.

I look at Maya and we laugh at the boys childishness but let them eat nonetheless. The only one who didn't show up was HK.

Time skip

After eating, the boys went to do their own things so I was on my own again. To cure more of my boredom, I decided to go practice my melee because I haven't done it in a long time and it's my happy place. I thank Maya for letting me destroy the kitchen for the day and quickly go get changed in my room. After I put on a tank top and leggings I then headed to the training room. Once I arrived I noticed that the door was closed which wasn't the usual case according to Beomgyu, so I peeked my head in and saw only TH in the room lifting weights I think? I head into the room nonetheless and go to the mat in the middle of the room. I sit down and start to stretch or else I will cramp up and that is not fun. Trust me.

It takes me a solid ten minutes to stretch but once I finished I felt great. I decided to practice some kicks to warmup. As I was warming up I didn't notice TH behind me till he spoke up.

"Hey Hana, what are you doing here? This place is closed right now." He questions.

"Oh hey T, I was just warming up before I do some melee. I thought it was open all the time?" I reply stopping my warmup.

"Today it just got cleaned so it was closed for the day but hold do melee?!" TH answers excitedly. I could see the happiness in his eyes after I nodded my head.

"Yea it's my favourite sport, and apparently the only thing I'm really skilled at." I reply half-heartedly.

"Hey you'll get better at everything else., it just takes time. Now in the meantime I want to see these skills you talk of. Care to challenge me? I haven't had a good fight in a long time, and everything is clean now so it'll be fine." He replied slightly smirking. I hesitated for a second but I gave my answer smiling, trying to hide my smirk.

"Game on T, you're going down."

To Be Continued...

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