Chapter 4

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Hey guys!! Sorry about not posting earlier but I'm heading into exams and need to focus. Here's The next part though but I'm sorry if it is kinda bad. I promise I will write more after exams and they will be better!!!

"Wow, he really knows how to choose them"

"Stop gawking SB, I can literally see the drool forming."

"Sorry TH but We've never had a girl here before"

"Why did we need to take her again TH?"

"Because we needed a-" suddenly the voice stops talking and notices I was awake.

"Ah you've finally woken up Hana," said the handsome brown haired boy.

Hands on my head I question, "Umm, what happened? Where am I?"

I notice another taller boy behind the shorter boy. He had black hair and looked like a bunny. He was also very handsome.

"Welcome to TXT headquarters Hana, please follow me." The shorter boy held out his hand, smiling at me.

Cautiously I grabbed his outstretched hand and was pulled straight up from where I was laying down. Heading out of the room, one boy was on my arm and the other boy followed behind.

As we walked I found myself going through a maze of hallways each beautifully decorated to fit the house perfectly. Whoever designed this has great taste if I dare say.

"Wow, this is beautiful," I said in complete awe looking around the hallway.

Hearing light chuckles from behind me the taller boy spoke up, "you'll get used to it. Trust me."

Not soon after we arrived at a big room which I'm gonna guess is their meeting room. I was told to go sit down by BG. Thankfully I remembered who he was since he kidnapped me, and made my way to my seat. Once seated I looked over and saw he was smiling at me so I smiled back tentatively.

"You're finally awake, I thought you died earlier." BG said.

"How long was I out for?" I question.

"Only a couple hours but it's still scary. I didn't want my head on the block if you died. Also I'm sorry I had to take you away from your family." BG says with concern in his eyes, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Furrowing my brows I got confused about his answer. Sensing the awkward atmosphere I changed the topic, "It's alright for now, Say BG, could I ask you to tell me who everyone is? They didn't tell me earlier." I question.

"Oh yeah sure." I could sense the relief from him that I changed the topic.

"Okay, The tall one with dimples is SB or Bin, either one is okay to call him, also he loves bread." He beams.

"The short one talking to Bin is TH or Tae but he prefers to be called TH. Do not get on his bad side whatsoever, you don't know what he's capable of. He scares me even." BG shudders.

" that everyone then?" I ask.

"Nope, there are two others, I'll tell you about them when they get here." BG says.

Nodding my head I ask one last question. "So do you like to be called BG or can I call you something else? And what should I know about you?" I question.

"BG is my mafia name, just like everyone else we all have code names for people outside our group. My name is actually Beomgyu but Gyu is just fine to call me." He smiles.

"Beomgyu? I like it. Why did you tell me your real name?" I ask.

"Because I can trust you Hana, just don't tell the other boys or I will actually die." He chuckles while looking straight at me.

I look at him and smile back. Until suddenly a door burst open and shouting was heard. Beomgyu rolled his eyes and turned his head towards the sound.


I turn my head to see where Beomgyu was looking and I spotted two new boys I hadn't seen yet.

Leaning over I whisper, "Who are they Gyu?"

"The shorter one on the left that just took a seat is YJ or Jun. he's the oldest. And the taller one on the our leader HK. I don't know if I've ever seen him smile. He's heartless to everyone." He responds quietly looking down.

"Hmm he doesn't look super scary though Gyu," I say, focusing on the leader.

"Oh just wait darling." Beomgyu replies and gives full attention to the leader.
I hadn't gotten a good look at the leaders face yet but he looked familiar from where I was sitting. I just couldn't place it.

"Welcome boys, congrats on your successful mission. Because of you we now have a prized possession in our hands. Say Hana, why don't you come up here for a second." HK challenges.

"Do what he says and don't make eye contact." Gyu says warningly.

Sighing I slowly rise from my seat and walk over to where their leader was standing. I could feel all eyes staring at me every step I took. What took seconds to reach HK felt like hours but I did what Gyu told me to do and looked down whilst standing beside him.

"Boys, this is Hana from ASTRO. She will be saying with us for quite a while." He states. I could picture the smirk on his face. He didn't have to rub it in that I'm stuck here.

After that I was told to go sit back down which I did gratefully and the meeting continued on which felt like forever.

Time Skip

Finally the meeting was over. That was more boring than my family's meetings. Once HK dismissed us I got up and as I was about to leave I suddenly froze at a voice.

"Miss Hana, you stay. Boys please leave us." The leader ordered.

Nodding the boys left. Beomgyu gave me a sympathetic look and a quiet fighting! Then closed the doors with the other boys. Thanks for the support Gyu.
Staring at the door I did not want to turn around to face him.

"Turn around and come here Hana."

Still didn't move

"Hana please listen to me." He sighed.

Still didn't move. I could tell he was getting mad now.

"Seriously Hana don't make me regret something I will do."

Rolling my eyes I decided to turn around and make my way over to him.

"Good girl," he smirks.

"You can't keep me here forever HK, my family is already looking for me." I say to him, anger rising.

"Are they Hana? Cause I'm pretty sure they are at your beach house doing nothing. Right. Now." He shows me a hidden camera with my parents and my brothers. Wait....where's MJ?

"Please tell me this isn't real." I whisper dropping the tablet.

"Oh but it is Hana." Suddenly he grabs my waist and makes me face him. I remember Gyu's words, "Don't make eye contact." So I kept my head down and tried to get out of his grip.

"So naive Hana," he chuckles while stroking my chin with his free hand.

Pushing my face up he makes me face him eye to eye and I instantly recognize where he is from. My eyes widen and noticing this he smirks.

"I met your dad a couple years back, recognize me now sweetie? Those were fun times."He laughs.

"Stop, get off me. Let me go now!" I shakily say. Something about his arm around my waist and the close proximity of our bodies was intoxicating for me. I needed to get out now.

Lowing his mouth to my ears he whispers "Oh you don't make the orders here Hana. I do." My body is shaking at this close proximity. I hate it.

Suddenly becoming serious he moves his head back and maintains eye contact and states with a smug smirk.

"Alright, here are the rules."

To Be Continued....

What I Needed~Huening Kai ff (Wattys 2020)Where stories live. Discover now