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Forth's POV
I went outside, without a second thought.
I need to see him.

I got on to my motor bike. I didn't see any point in wearing my helmet, I wanted to feel the wind in my hair.

I knew where the hospital was.

I had been many times since I went to university. Lots of people had taken a dislike to me so they did something about it. I wasn't one to back down though so I often found myself in trouble.

Luckily the hospital was close by and it took less than 5 minutes for me to get there.

As I was pulling in I got a glimpse of Kit and Pha walking into the hospital together. I guess they really did care about Beam to be up at this time.

I parked and followed suit. When I got into the waiting room my eyes immediately fell upon Pha and Kit. They gave me a look as if they were confused by my presence.

I guess I'd have to explain later.

I signed myself in and sat in the seat opposite the two of them. Pha looked hesitant to say anything but Kit not so much.

He looked like he was going to lunge at me any second but he was managing to keep his composure.

Pha started off the conversation:
"Forth, I thought you said you weren't coming."

"I changed my mind." I replied. It was true I had. I felt like it was partly my fault he did it or that it went that far in the first place.

If I had noticed something sooner, maybe this wouldn't of happened. But I couldn't think about this for too long; I could already feel the guilt crawling up my body.

Kit looked at me darkly but said nothing.

"Can you talk to us about what happened now?" Pha asked kindly, giving me a nod of approval. Kit still said nothing. He just sent a glare my way.

I thought about it, could I really talk about it whilst keeping my composure? I guess I'd just have to try for them.

"I guess... I could try." I breathed, a hint of uneasiness coming out in my voice. My throat hitched at the thought but I continued anyway.

Kit cut in, finally saying something.

"Why were you guys together in the first place?"

My face must have paled because a look of concern was plastered over Pha's face. But Kit kept probing anyway.

"Do you want me to ask again or..."

This time I interjected.
"No it's fine."

I took a deep breath. I turned to Kit and said:
"I don't think Beam will appreciate me telling you this but we slept together."

There was no point in lying they would've found out no matter what happened. We both knew we'd have to tell them eventually.

I was lying in bed, sunlight streaming through my curtains. It was going to be a good day.

I looked down at the beautiful specimen tucked underneath my arm. Beam. He snuggled closer to my body.

I didn't know what we were but I was enjoying it. I got to wake up every morning with someone I actually liked, not some one night stand slut. But isn't that what Beam is?

We weren't together to talk.

One night we both got drunk and it just happened. His fingertips burnt my skin and I kept asking for more.

I needed more.

His eyes fluttered open and I averted mine from his. I looked back over to the curtains.

"Morning." He said. His voice was husky.

He was just asking for round 2 but I knew he was too tired for that.

"Morning." I replied nonchalantly.

Beam was a strange person to get ready with. He could go from sleepy to wide awake in seconds and that's exactly what he did.

Suddenly he jumped out of bed, making me jump and announced he was taking a shower. This had become our routine but I still wasn't used to it.

A couple of minutes later he came out with a loose hoodie on and a pair of baby blue jeans.

Wouldn't he be hot in that hoodie?
I guess not.

They way he looked made me want more, I walked over to him and went straight in for a kiss but he pushed me away.

"Morning breath." He simply replied.

I smelled my own breath and it smelt fine, I looked at him grumpily.

"That reminds me..." you could practically see the light bulb appear over his head.

"... if my friends ever ask why we're at each other's house just say we're studying together."

"And vice versa."

And he smiled, he just smiled.

*Flashback over*

No one said anything. My panicked breaths filled the empty space. Still nothing.

I guess they weren't expecting me to say that and there faces said it all.

Pha broke the silence.
"So are you guys together?" He asked hopefully.

I looked down at my shoes, "no." I muttered.

"So what are you doing? Using him for sex?"

"No. It's not like that..."

"...what is it like then?"

"We were just I don't know." I sighed.

We were interrupted by the nurse calling out each of our names, something was wrong with Beam and we couldn't do anything about it.

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