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Song 38 - Vampire weekend - Ottoman

In the last chapter Jin invited everyone out for drinks and he's about to get a big surprise, or is he?

Jin's POV

Me and Namjoon arrived earlier than everyone else, his leg wouldn't stop shaking. The only thing that stopped it was when I reassured him that everything was going to be alright. We had already discussed what we were going to say, so neither of us had anything to worry about. It's not like our friends are judgemental or anything, even though they're all idiots, they're all very understanding.

Plus we're not exactly a normal friendship group. For one almost all of us were gay so it wasn't like they'd cut us out of there lives or anything. Let's just say that most people weren't as accepting as they were. I love them all, truly.

We were going to celebrate us and nothing could stop us.

Sometime later...

I was beginning to take back all the good things I had said about my good for nothing friends. They were all late! We were supposed to meet at 8. Me and Namjoon being us got here early (at half 7 to be precise) now it was quarter past 8 and no one else had arrived. I knew that they all knew where they were going so they had no excuses.

After waiting another 15 minutes, someone finally arrived. It was Hoseok, the most reliable person in our friendship group. He might of got here half an hour late but somehow he was still the most on time out of all of them.

He was bright red which was strange since it wasn't that hot outside, he told us that he ran here but something told me that he was lying. Let's just say that Hoseok isn't the best liar in the world, he's so pure that it's easy to tell.

Next it was Kookie and Tae. They were having fun as usual, they were showing more pda than usual which was giving me ptsd. Even though me and Namjoon were a couple; we weren't really touchy feely in front of everyone. But we were when we first got together, it must be something about young love...

...I still felt like gagging though. But then again I should be used to it by now as half of the time they have there tongues down each other's throats.


It made me feel old, but then again I have an old soul. I have a knack for looking after people especially those younger than myself, I'm the mother of the group but who else was going to look after these guys?

No one else arrived 10 minutes after those 3 did but suddenly they all piled in, one by one.

Ming and Kit sat down next to each other comfortably which confused me. The last time I saw them they were fighting after all, I guess they must have made up then.

Pha and Yo were acting like they were the last time I saw them, they only had eyes for each other. You could tell there was something going on between them...

Everyone else's happiness made me so happy that it almost brought a tear to my eye.

But what Ming said next woke me out of my daydream: "Where's Yoongi and Jimin?"

I started explaining to them that Jimin wasn't coming and I didn't know what was going on with Yoongi when I was interrupted by the man himself.

Yoongi walked in, I noticed that he looked more miserable than usual. He sat down next to Ming and didn't say a word, not even a hello.

"I thought you weren't coming..." I began but I was swiftly cut off.

"I changed my mind..." he sniffed "... I needed some air."

Everyone nodded in agreement but I knew what everyone was really thinking.

"What was going on with Min Yoongi?"

Everyone was too afraid to ask so we had a couple of  conversations to lighten the mood. They mainly consisted of questions about each others days etc, whilst we all wondered about whether to ask Yoongi what was going on.

This was our most dangerous mission yet. Yoongi was scary on a normal day but today I didn't want to touch him with a ten foot pole.

Kit changed the subject, "Guys Beam just texted me that he can't come anymore." Everyone looked at him sadly.

My phone vibrated and I checked it, all eyes fell to me. It was a message from Forth. I read it out loud.

"Can you tell everyone that something came up and I can't come anymore? Sorry, I'll try to make it next time." 

"That's weird" we all said at the same time.

"That was even weirder." Namjoon commented.

We all agreed.

There was a long silence until it was interrupted by Pha:

"Erm Namjoon Do you think I could talk to you over there for a minute?" Pha asked.

"Yeah sure." Joonie replied.

I waved Joonie off and watched them both carefully.

Namjoon's POV

I walked over to the table, anxiously.

Did I have a death wish?

We all knew what had happened last time we were alone together. Me and him had to be split apart because we wanted to scratch each other's eyes out.

So was this really a good idea?
Probably not.

We sat down but unlike last time I felt more comfortable.

He didn't seem angry at me so that calmed my nerves instantly. Instead he seemed calm, not in a passive aggressive way though, just calm.

His eyes were glued to the table. I decided that I was going to have to be the one to start this conversation because I knew that he wasn't going to.

"So... what did you want to talk to me about?"

He gulped.

"I- I guess I just want to apologise for the way I treated you, I know you didn't deserve it. I just took it out on you because I was angry at Arthit but now I understand."

Now I understood why he was nervous. He was nervous because he thought that I was going to reject his apology.

"Pha, don't worry about it. I don't hold anything against you at all, you were angry. If I was still upset with you why would I let you into my restaurant?"

He sat there with a confused look on his face and then what I finally resonated with him, a lightbulb might as well of appeared above his head.

"We're okay now?"

"We've always been okay Pha, don't worry about it."

We smiled at each other and made our way back to the table.

I went straight back to Jin, it was my turn to reassure him now.

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