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Song 34 - Lord Huron - The night we met

Reminder: Last time we saw Jin, he and Namjoon were doing the devils tango and of course they got engaged. True love does exist huh?

Jin's POV
I woke up and all of my memories flooded back from last night. I looked at my hand and sure enough there was an engagement ring on there, it wasn't a dream then, thank god.

"How am I supposed to walk after last night?" I muttered to myself, not expecting a reply.

"I guess I'm going to have to carry you everywhere from now on." Namjoon replied.

I jumped, he startled me. I didn't know he was awake I just presumed he was still sleeping because he tended to sleep in.

"You didn't know I was awake did you?" He said smiling at me, his dimples blossoming.

"I'm not against that." I said looking into his eyes. I was resting on his chest comfortably, he was looking down at me like I was the most precious thing in the world.

This was love, true love.

We might have not had the easiest start but I think we both knew it was love from the first time we met. At first I was shy about our relationship, not even daring to tell my friends about us but now I could shout that I was in love with Namjoon and I wouldn't care who could heard.

I snuggled into him, taking in his warmth.

"Are you comfortable Jin, if not I could move." He asked.

He was so kind, it was incredible, I didn't even think it was possible for someone to be so lovely.

"I moved because I'm too comfortable, I have class today and I don't want to leave."

"Don't leave then." He said, His voice hid endless layers of emotions. I could tell that he didn't want me to leave and I didn't want to either.

"I'll call in sick."


"Yes, I want to spend time with my... fiancé." I said smiling at my blushing fiancée, I couldn't believe this was the guy I was with last night. How sweet could he get? He was going to give me a cavity.

"Are you sure the school will be okay with it?"

"They should be, Ming's missed like 3 days."

"Really? Why?"

I thought about it and realised I really didn't know with everything that had been going on I had forgotten to text him to see if he was okay, then again if it was something serious he would text me wouldn't he? I'm such a bad friend I better text him... it was strange it was like I had forgotten he existed for a while. I wondered if he had been in contact with anyone else.

"I don't know actually, I haven't spoken to him for the last 3 days." I admitted regretfully.

"Oh..." he said with a hint of surprise in his voice like he expected me to know what was going on but I knew as much as he did.

"Thinking about it you're the only one out of all of us I've spoken to in the last 3 days."

It was strange. Had everyone died or something? I felt like I had missed out on something. Maybe everyone was busy but still you'd think someone would at least send one message on the group chat we're not all that preoccupied are we? Well I am but still.

"How come you haven't spoken to the others?"

I didn't know...

"Normally they speak to me first. Do you think there's something going on we don't know about?"

I needed someone else's opinion, I felt like I was going crazy.

"Thinking about it, do you remember the other day when we were at the restaurant and Arthit was there Pha said something about Arthit hurting Ming."

I remembered, I remembered the smug look that was plastered on Arthit's face. I really hated that guy, I don't think I've ever hated anyone before. Even Taemin was better and he broke my heart in two.

Is this what jealousy feels like?

But I couldn't remember the part that Joonie was talking about, I guess I didn't hear that part or I just wasn't paying attention.

"What exactly did he say?" I asked curiously.

I wanted to know now, my concern for Ming was growing by the second. If Arthit was involved things weren't going to end well for him.

"He didn't say anything specific but don't you think it's weird we've literally heard or seen them, maybe we should organise something tonight so you know we could tell them about us..."

I was so busy worrying about Ming, I forgot about the most exciting part of getting engaged - telling everyone and showing off my ring!!!

"IM SO EXCITED TO TELL THEM." I screeched. "sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry I'm feeling the same way. I want to tell them everything."

"Perfect." I said looking at him.

"I agree."

"I was talking about you..."

"Stop." He said, his ears turning red.

"But anyways I think we should organise something for tonight, you know so we can all catch up. I'll sort it."

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and went straight on to line and on to our group chat, Joonie wasn't in there yet but as my fiancée he soon would be!

I started writing out a message when one came through, it was from Ming.

"Hey guys want to go out drinking tonight? Usual place, usual time."

I replied. "I was literally just about to suggest the same thing, me and Joonie will come."

Around the same time similar messages starting coming through, turns out that everyone was free tonight but two people were yet to answer- Yoongi and Jimin.

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