53 - what????

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I quickly drove to Ming's campus. I knew he was on break, I had his timetable after all.

Please don't ask.

As soon as I got to his campus I quickly jumped out of my car and walked to the outdoor study area.

I hoped he'd be there but I wasn't sure.

I still hadn't answered his message but I'm was sure that he'd be much happier to see me in person anyways.

I got to the study area but he was nowhere to be seen. My next stop was the canteen.

And sure enough Ming was sat at a table with Yoongi, they both looked sort of down but I didn't know why.

I made my way over there frantically. Yoongi noticed me first and sat up immediately, he signalled to Ming that I was here and his demeanour completely changed.

His sadness was suddenly replaced with happiness. He was as bright as always.

"Kit." Ming said smiling widely.

"Can I talk to you quickly Ming?"

"Yes that's fine. Where do you want to go?"

"Somewhere where we can be alone." I said dragging him away from Yoongi and there table.

When we got to the entrance of the campus he finally spoke.

"Why did you drag me? You don't even come to this campus. How could you know where to go?" He said laughing at me.

I huffed at him angrily but I knew he was right.

I realised I was still holding on to his hand and we were in public. I quickly let his hand go in embarrassment.

But I was left horrified by what I saw on his wrists. There were finger marks there that had left bruises.

"Ming." I breathed out.

"What?" He said in his usual cheerful manner.

"What's this?" I said pointing at the marks.

He looked taken aback as he rubbed his wrist anxiously.

"Nothing don't worry about it."

"What do you mean don't worry about it? How am I supposed to not worry about you? Tell me."

"Can we talk about this somewhere else? People are starting to stare." He said scratching the back of his neck.

I hadn't realised it but I had been shouting at Ming pretty loudly. Half of the campus probably heard me.

I nodded.

He led me to an empty classroom that wasn't too far away from where we were earlier.

He sat down on top of one of the desks and I joined him.

"Ming what happened?"

"Please don't get mad."

"I won't." I said holding his hand and smiling supportively.

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