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Song 29 - Sleeping at last - Neptune

Reminder: Ming and Kit still exist and are dating xoxo

Kit's POV
"If you want to kiss then let's kiss!" I exclaimed. I said it without thinking, I wasn't expecting Ming to actually do it!

He's unpredictable but I can't get enough of it. I felt cared for whenever I was with him.

I'd never felt anything like this before. Sure I had, had girlfriends in the past but this was different.

For one he was a man but apart from that he wasn't like anyone I had ever met before let alone dated.

He was loud and clingy and those two qualities were something I had avoided at all costs when it came to friendships let alone relationships.

I still couldn't believe that I didn't like him the first time I met him and now we're dating.

We're sleeping in the same bed for gods sake.

This was not the way I imagined us getting to know each other. I thought I would've hit him by now but I guess I was wrong.

How could I hit such a pretty face?

I had never been in love before but I think this is what it feels like. It's like you never want to leave that persons side and when you are apart all you think about is them. You could say I loved him but I think I loved us more.

He made me feel emotions I didn't know I was capable of feeling. Something about him captivated me and I just kept coming back for more.

Could he be extremely annoying? Yes.
But was he a good person? Again yes.

But back to us in the bed.

He leaned forward and stopped when he was just an inch away from my lips. His eyes flickered up to mine and then down to my lips. He licked his lips hungrily then he leaned forward.

This time it wasn't a messy mixture of tongues and hair pulling. It was a soft and tender kiss that showed how much we cared for one another. It was something I would never forget. It showed me that kisses didn't have to be filled with passion to be wonderful.

He pulled back so both of us could catch our breaths. Even in the darkness I could see that his cheeks were lightly dusted pink and the tips of his ears were tinted crimson.

I looked into his eyes and came to the sudden realisation that I am the luckiest man in the world. I wondered if Ming thought the same thing.

Ming's POV- graphic content/trigger warning

I wanted him so badly. Is that a bad thing? I hope not.

He was just so cute and the way he squirmed underneath me made me feel things I probably shouldn't be feeling considering we were lying in a bed together.

When I'm with him it's like everything falls into place and I love it. But I knew he was just trying to distract me from what had been happening recently.

I was pretending I had forgotten about it and I had been doing a pretty good job at it so far but I don't know how long I will be able to last.

I'm just struggling on the inside but I don't want him to see that side of me again.

Maybe I should just try and sleep it off but how could I resist holding my adorable boyfriend in my arms whilst I slept.

For once he didn't complain or curse at me like he usually did because "he didn't like me being affectionate." But I didn't believe him one bit.

Instead he moved closer to me to warm himself up.

Eventually I started dropping off...


A knock sounded from the front door. I was confused. I wasn't expecting any visitors and Kit had only just left to go and buy us dinner. He was choosing of course! That boy was stubborn beyond belief but I loved him anyway.

I decided that I was probably thinking too much into it. It could Beam or Yo coming to visit or maybe Kit had ordered a package and it had only just arrived. I peeked through the curtains and a wave of panic washed over me, it was Arthit.

I closed the curtains and began searching for my phone. Where the fuck had I put it? I needed Kit now, he was the only one who could protect me from him.

Arthit didn't leave, instead he began banging on the door.

"Ming. I know you're in there all alone. Let me in." He shouted through the door and my panic began to grow.

I remembered that I had left my phone upstairs and I made a run for it. The front door burst open and I screamed in fear as he ran after me.

He caught me at the door, and forced me into a disgusting kiss. I punch him and try to wrestle free but that only enraged him more. He picked me up hard and slammed me on to the bed.

He ripped off my clothes, much to my dismay. I attempted to roll over but he caught me and climbed over me, straddling my hips. He ran his hands up and down my sides and gripped my thighs, forcing them apart to my horror.

"N-no." I try to push him away but he punched me in the face hard.

"Shut up you whore. You want me!"

I sob as he tugs my boxers down my legs roughly and pushes my thighs up and far apart, baring me to him.

He leaned back and began licking his lips as he unzipped his pants and begins lewdly stroking himself. He moans and and forces my body closer to him.

I try to stop him by pushing my hands up against him but he wasn't deterred as he pushes inside of me hard and dry. I scream in agony as he didn't  give me to time to adjust and begins thrusting into me hard and fast. Tears blur my vision as I beg for him to stop and pray Kit gets here soon.

He stopped after a few minutes and flipped me over. I gasp in pain as I land hard on my front. He thrusts back inside me, slapping my butt just as roughly and pounds into me as his weight pushes me down relentlessly.

Abruptly he grabs my hair and pulls my head up sharply, eliciting a cry from me.

"Fucking whore, you thought you could escape from me didn't you? Not this time. Your precious boyfriend isn't going to help you, no one is going to help you, you're completely alone."

He thrusts deeply into me and I squeeze my eyes shut from the pain. He releases me and I collapse on to my chest as he grips my hips and continues to abuse me. Yelling lewd and shameful names down at me.

Eventually I just zone out. I don't know how long he rapes me for because after the third time I black out.

I wake up on the floor. I'm still naked and sore. It's dark and I'm wet and sticky between my legs. I grip the wall and attempt to find a light switch.

Where's kit? Why isn't he back yet?

I fight back tears as an agonising pain hits me. I find the light and switch it on only to be met with a horrifying sight.

I look down at myself and let out a loud wail at the sight of the blood. There was blood everywhere. All over my legs and the floor. Some of the sheets were covered in blood too.

I frantically search for my phone only to see it smashed on the floor.

I make an attempt to walk down the stairs. I sob as I see Kit's car pull into the drive way. Finally.

He opens the door and a look of terror washes over his face as he sees me bloody and naked lying on the floor.

He throws the food he had just bought to the side and rushes straight to my side.

"Ming...Ming... wake up."

And finally the nightmare was over.


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