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Song 23 - Ellie Goulding - Figure 8
Kit's POV
I trudged into my bedroom. He was eagerly following me. He was definitely getting the wrong idea. Nothing was going to happen, I had a shred of dignity left.

I wasn't going to have sex with him. He had only just become my boyfriend for God's sake! But I guess he didn't get the memo.

I thought he was supposed to be the one who was afraid of things like this after what happened but something told me this wasn't the right time to bring that up.

I didn't want to ruin the good job I had done at distracting him.

I think Ming will get over what happened quite quickly, he didn't seem like one to dwell on things.

I began getting undressed in the corner with my back facing Ming. I didn't really want him to see my body, I was a little embarrassed.

I had always felt self conscious especially about my weight. I knew I had lost a lot of weight since high school but I still had the "fat kid" mentality.

"Ming, can you pass me some pyjamas please?" I said but he didn't answer. Eventually I got bored of waiting for his reply so I turned around to see what was distracting him so much.

He was staring into the mirror above the bed. I hadn't realised but I was getting changed in the front of my mirror, the reflection from this mirror had reflected into the one Ming was currently staring into.

He could see my body.

I sighed loudly.

"Ming please can you pass me some pyjamas now please?" This time he was sprung out of his daze.

Was I really that distracting? I guess so.

I hadn't realised it but I had turned around when I spoke to him. He was looking me up and down like I was a full course meal, He looked hungry.

I wonder what he would've done if I was naked. I take that back, I don't want to know. Those thoughts are too dirty even for my mind.

"No!" He said huskily.

I did a double take.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean no."

"Stop messing around Ming, I'm getting cold."

"If you're cold just get in the bed. I'll warm you up."

...maybe he was right.

No Kit don't do it.

Actually do do it. He's your boyfriend now and you know you want to.

I walked over to the bed and lied down.

"Are you coming in?"

Ming looked down at me and half smiled- half gawped. I guess he wasn't actually expecting me to do it. My stubbornness was slowly wearing away.

"You're full of surprises, you know."

"I know." I replied.

He got into bed and pulled the covers over us. I had forgotten how comfy my bed was; I wondered how Ming's bed compared...

I turned away from him and tried to focus on my own breathing, I was trying to forget the fact I was sleeping in the same bed as Ming but it was pretty hard considering his hot breath was fanning the baby hairs on the back of my neck.

He edged closer to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.

"You're so cold baby."

"Who's your baby? Not me."

"Of course you're my baby or would you prefer wife."

I turned around to face him.

"I prefer Kit."

"As you wish..."

He licked his lips.

"...I prefer it when you're kissing me."

Short chapter but whatever :):
I might be taking a break from writing soon, but I haven't decided yet xoxo

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