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Song 5 - Finneas O'Connell - Let's fall in love for the night
That guy was so rude. A drink over your best friend. That's just messed up. He must have issues or something. Now where is Yo?

I got in my car and went to the first place that I thought Yo would go. I pulled up outside the noodle shop.

Me and Yo had been going there for years and if one of us got upset we always seemed to gravitate towards the shop. We were friends with the owner of the shop: Namjoon. He had just inherited the shop and had only graduated from university a couple of months ago. Whenever one of us turned up alone he checked up on us. We had become friends over the years as before he owned the shop he was a waiter.

I walked into the shop and I was instantly greeted by Namjoon.

"He's over there." He said pointing at a table in the corner. Yo was wearing a black hoodie with the hood up covering his face. I thanked him and hurried over.

"Yo what's wrong?"

"I just completely embarrassed myself in front of P'pha." He said banging his head on the table.

"Yo I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"Trust me it was. Never let me touch alcohol again."

"I won't until next week."

He groaned at my reply.

"What happened anyway?"

"I was singing."

"Hey there's nothing wrong with that. Your a great singer." I comforted him.

"You don't get it I wasn't on key and my pitch was completely wrong, I didn't even realise he was there until it was too late."

"You need to stop worrying about it I'm sure he loved it but you shouldn't have left like that I was so worried and so was everyone else..."

"...Except for Kit." I thought.

"I'm sorry Ming." He murmured.

"It's fine. Do you think you could deal with touching alcohol again just for tonight? I haven't had a proper drink yet and I need to catch up with Jin."


Just as we were walking out the door. Namjoon stopped us.

"Can you tell Jin I said hi?"

"Of course joonie have a good night."

"You too guys!"

How does he even know Jin? Suspicious. I'm going to have to ask him later. I know Joonie is into guys but is he into Jin? And more importantly is Jin into Namjoon? Thinking about it I have never seen Jin with a girl and I've never really heard much about his love life. I had no idea what his preference was.

"Ming wake up." Yo said waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"I'm back, I'm back." I reassured

"You were thinking the same thing as me weren't you? About Namjoon and Jin? I've got to say I didn't see it coming but they are pretty perfect for eachother."


"Are you going to be okay to drive Ming?"

"Yes don't worry I've only had one drink." I didn't mention to Yo that it was a strong drink or he would've never got into the car with me.

We got there and I didn't crash into anything or anyone which was a success. We walked in and we were welcomed back with open arms apart from by Kit of course. What was his problem?

I sat next to redhead which was my first mistake. He was so grouchy. I hadn't seen him smile since I'd met him and jeez his body language was so intimidating. Had I done something to him that I didn't know about?

"What's your problem? Stop staring at me."

"Well how else am I supposed to take in all your beauty."

"Say That again."

"Well how else..."

He covered my mouth. I took his hand away.

"So how are you I mean who are you?" I asked enthusiastically.

"Why would I waste my time on you?" He commented.

"His name is Kit." Jin replied.

"Thanks Jin!" I shouted.

Kit gave him the death stare and he shrugged in response.

"Why does your name sound so familiar? P'kit-P'kit- P'KIT KAT!" I almost screeched.

"Shut up before I make you shut up."

"Now I remember you. We used to call you p'kitkat because you were short and cute and nothing has changed."

He took a swing at me.

"Calm down." I said putting my hands up.

"I'll calm down when you shut up."

Jin came over and sat between us.

"Kit you need to calm down he's just teasing you."

"He's not just teasing me he's just being a dick."

"I'm not being a dick I just like dick." I replied.

I pushed him to the edge and he ran off in a strop. Jin and someone else from the doctor gang followed him.

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