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Song 35 - Jackson Waters - Centre of attention

Reminder: Last time we saw Jimin he was feeling lovesick and Yoongi messaging him wasn't helping at all. Yoongi noticed something was wrong and asked to meet with him...

Jimin's POV
I quickly replied "yes." But I was confused as to why he suddenly decided he wanted to come round? Then again I'm not complaining.

Maybe just maybe he was going to tell me he liked me too. Who was I kidding? There was no way that was going to happen. He likes women not woMEN.

I just wanted him to like me so badly that at this point I had become delusional. I spent a while in my wonderland, until I heard a rough knock at my door.

The noise was unmistakable it was Yoongi. He had come round so many times that at this point I could recognise the way he knocked.

I opened the door.

Like always he didn't greet me properly, instead he walked by me and sat on the sofa. But unusually he looked stressed, Yoongi was always quite a relaxed person he could sleep anywhere so to see him worked up was somewhat... different.

He had already began tapping his foot like he was impatient about something. I was confused  I thought he just came round to talk, was what we were about to talk about that bad? I better prepare myself.

"Hello to you to Yoongi."

"Sorry." He mumbled his reply.

I sat down next to him but I decided it was best to keep my distance, I was worried that I would do something wrong.

His eyes were glued to the floor, he hadn't looked at me since he came in. Now I was really concerned.

"Yoongi!" I snapped. He finally looked up at me.

"What's wrong? You've been acting weird since you got here."

He faked a shocked expression but he knew exactly what he had been doing. I wasn't being over dramatic for once, he wasn't acting like himself.

You could see his brain ticking, trying to come up with a response and finally after about 30 seconds a light bulb appeared above his head.

"I haven't."

I looked him up and down and looked at him like "really?"

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm looking at you like that because you turned up at my house at 1 in the morning and you haven't even told me what you wanted to tell me."

He gulped loudly.

"Stop being dramatic and get to it." I sighed.

"You're one to talk."

He was right but I wasn't going to admit that, yes I'm a dramatic person but there's one difference between me and him right now and that's that I'm blunt. I hate people who take hours to explain stories and worst of all waffle.

"Yoongi please hurry up I'm tired."

"Then go to bed." He replied, a bored look in his eyes.

"Okay what about you?"

Maybe we could sleep in the same bed, I'm just kidding. I'm definitely not kidding but I'm not going to suggest that ever.

"I'll sleep on the sofa, we can talk about this in the morning."

On second thoughts maybe I should sleep on the sofa... just kidding I like my bed thanks.

"Okay." I yawned loudly "see you in the morning."

I went straight to my room and collapsed on the bed, I was so tired that I didn't even crawl underneath the covers. I fell asleep right there and then.

I woke up a couple of hours into the night but I couldn't work out what woke me. I was just suddenly awake.

I realised that I wasn't on the bed anymore, I was in the bed and I wasn't alone. I could feel a body next to me. I turned and it was Yoongi. Well who else would it be?

The strange part was that he was awake to and he was looking right at me.

I gasped in shock.

He took a deep breath. "I'm about to do something I've wanted to do for a long time."

He edged closer to me.

He held my face in his hands, and gave me a chaste kiss. It was so soft, but nice.

I didn't know what to say. I was feeling a number of things. I was confused but I loved him did this mean that he loved me too.

"Yoongi why did you that?" I breathed.

"I just told you.. I wanted to."

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I let a tear drop. I wasn't upset though I was angry. He was using me.

"Yoongi you know how I feel about you, why would you do that?" I sniffled.

"Because." He sighed "that's the last time I'm ever going to be able to do something like that."

Now I was even more annoyed, why was he being so cryptic?

"What do you mean?"

"My parents want me to get married to a woman."

"And you kissed me because of this."

He nodded.

"Get out." I whispered.

"What?" He said, shocked.

"You heard me, GET OUT."

Without making any effort with me at all, he left. He had never really been my friend. He was now just my acquaintance.

Hey guys!! I've been trying to reply to all your comments on past and present chapters but it's saying something about invalid parameters, so if I don't reply for a while that's why!!

Much love ❤️❤️❤️

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