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Song 42 - Matt Defreitas - Let me love you
Ming's POV
"Can I have everyone's attention please? " Pha asked.

Everyone turned to look at him almost immediately. Was he about to do what I thought he was going to do? Out of all of us Yo looked the most confused.

All of our conversations stopped, the only thing that could be heard was Pha's uneven breaths. It was evident that he was nervous. Trust me I would be to.

Finally he began, "Yo I have a very important question to ask you. I've been thinking about this for a long time, you know that I love you unconditionally and i think its time for us to become official..."

All eyes were on those two. Yo was nodding his head, encouraging him to carry on. His eyes were shining with glee. It was incredible how Yo managed to turn pha into mush so easily.

He cleared his throat. "...will you be my boyfriend?"

There wasnt even a moment of silence before Yo answered.

"Of course."

All of us erupted into celebration. Congratulations were thrown at them from every direction. I was SO happy that my best friend had finally got what he had always wanted: Pha.

Now that they were together officially they sat closer to one another.

I made a gesture to Yo for him to call me later. Anybody else would've been confused by what I was doing but luckily Yo spoke fluent Ming. I wasn't too good at this stuff to be honest.

"So in conclusion the only people who are single here are me and Hoseok." Jimin said. He sounded hurt or disappointed I couldn't tell maybe it was a bit of both.

"Yoongi's single as well though isn't he?" everyone turned to look at Yoongi but before Yoongi could even begin to defend himself, Jimin answered for him.

"He's not." Jimin said matter of factly.

Everyone looked shocked apart from me, Yoongi and of course Jin. Jimin had told Jin what had been going on and like me Jin wasn't happy with Yoongi.

Don't get me wrong I will always support Yoongi unconditionally but that doesn't mean that I agree with what he did to Jimin.

He didn't deserve this.

Everyone knew how he felt about Yoongi including Yoongi but that didn't stop him.

The entire atmosphere of the group changed in the blink of an eye, we all went from happy to confused.

"What's Jimin talking about?" Tae asked.

"Nothing important." Yoongi interjected.

"So you getting married isn't important?"

He shouldn't of said that.

"YOUR GETTING MARRIED." Everyone shouted.

He still said nothing. He didn't even react. He didn't know what to do or say.

How was he supposed to explain his situation to everyone? He got upset when he told me about it and I didn't want to imagine the state he would be in if he told the others.

This wasn't his fault.

They all seem to forget that he has feelings and emotions too. He has a heart, he just doesn't like showing it to people because it's a "weakness."

Him being in love was his real "weakness"

If he did what he felt was right everything would fall apart. His family would abandon him out but would it be worth it?

"Jimin's just kidding, I think that's enough drinking for tonight." I said laughing off his comments.

Jimin was about to protest when Jin gave him the look. Yoongi looked relieved.

"I think it's time for us to wrap this up. Me and Kit are tired."

Everyone nodded in response apart from Kit himself.

I had made up the fact that Kit was tired on the spot but it turned out to be true. I was so busy trying to control the argument that was about to break out that I hadn't noticed that he had actually fallen asleep.

I said my goodbyes to everyone and murmured a good luck to Yoongi and reminded Yo to call me.

I pulled Kit into my arms and began carrying him out of the restaurant. He was murmuring forgotten words in his sleep but then he stopped. He snuggled closer to me and began gripping the edge of my hoodie with his beautifully tiny fingers.

Finally after around 15 minutes we arrived at our apartment block. I decided that for once I would be taking him home not the other way round.

Hello beautiful people :)
Sorry that my upload schedule has been messed up lately but I blame it on my GCSE's lol.

Butttttt I have better news than that!! Your girl got tickets to see BTS. That's right the BTS. I've been crying for like 3 days now but I've never been more thankful in my life.

I'd just like to thankyou for reading this far!!

Goodbye :(

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