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Song 8 - the neighbourhood - single
He grabbed me by the shoulders and I pushed him away. I didn't want this stranger touching me.

"Get the fuck off me Ming."

"You know my name?" He didn't even comment on the fact that I had just told him to get off me. His hands didn't budge and I felt uncomfortable.

"Didn't you hear me the first time? I said get off me you bastard!" This time his hands hesitantly slipped off my shoulders.

"Aren't you going to thank me then?" He asked.

I looked up at him. Was he actually that stupid? Why would I thank him for doing something as simple as taking his hands off my shoulders. It was just common decency, he hadn't done anything special or anything worth me thanking him.

"No." He looked at me with puppy eyes and I replied with a deep sigh.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to talk to you."

"Talk then."

"I didn't mean to annoy you earlier. Can we start over or meet again when we both haven't drank?"

I thought about his proposal. Could I really even consider being friends with this guy or even acquaintances. He had been creepy since I met him but then again I didn't know what he was like without alcohol in his system but did I really want to find out? Maybe I should just give him a chance. Just this once. It wouldn't hurt would it?


"Let's meet up tomorrow then. 2 good for you?"

"Wait I never said anything about meeting up."

"How are we supposed to start over if we never get to see each other in the first place?"

I hated to admit it but he had a point.

"Okay fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Wait. Can you do me a favour?"

"What is it?" I sighed

"I don't know where I've put my phone do you think you could call it for me?"

"I don't have your number."

"Pass me your phone and I'll do it myself."

I reluctantly gave him my phone and he typed in his number. He held the phone to his ear. I could hear his phone vibrating. He gave me my phone back and pulled his phone out of his back pocket.

"Now you can text me where you want us to meet." He said as he walked back towards the bar.

He probably ran in the opposite direction so I couldn't smack him over the head with my flip flop.

Why was he like this? And why was it cute? Wait...WHAT!?!

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