Damon walks towards me. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asks. "Because I am trying to ignore it so it will go away," I say. Damon sighs. Without thinking, he touches my arm. I immediately I feel cold and scared.

I close my eyes for a second, but I can literally feel like I sit on the cold floor, staring at Damon at the other side of the bars.

I quickly open my eyes and back away from him. "Sorry," he says. I shake my head, "it's not your fault." Damon sighs and looks down. "How do we fix it?" He asks.

We all stay quiet, but I already know what I have to do. I hate the idea, but I don't think I have a choice.

"I think we should keep our distance," I say. As soon as the words roll off my lips, he looks at me with fire in his eyes. "What? No way!" He says. I sigh, "we should. Every time we touch, I feel fear. I can't keep feeling that..."

Damon shakes his head. "Because that is what you body felt the last month every second I touched you. We need to make new memories and start touching each other when you feel fine so that fear goes away," Damon says. He takes a step towards me, so I take a step back.

"Damon, I need to get over my trauma first," I tell him. "Yes, with me. I will help you get over everything," he says. He takes another step, so I take another step back as well, but I bump into the wall.

With my back against the wall, Damon takes another step. "We need to remind your body it doesn't have to be scared around me," Damon says. I shake my head, "no, I need to get over my trauma so my body forgets everything it felt the past month."

"You think that's the answer? Or do you just want to break up with me?" Damon asks. I look him in the eye. I see a fire burning of anger and a small hint of heartbreak. I sigh and take a step towards him. "I don't want to break up. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," I tell him.

He looks away from me, so I put my hand on his chin and turn his face to mine. Even that small touch makes me feel scared. "I love you, Damon," I tell him, "but I can't keep doing this. It is ruining me. I know you want what's best for me. I know you want to help me, but you can't. I need to get over this by myself."

"Breaking up isn't the answer," he says. I nod, "we're not breaking up. We're taking a break." Damon sighs, "but why? We can get through this, just like we went through everything else."

I smile. I have to admit, it feels good to hear him say all these things to stay with me.

"We will get through this," I tell him, "after I get over my trauma." Damon sighs, "is there no way we can get through this together?" I shake my head, "I can't keep doing this, but I promise you, when we get back, we will be better than ever."

Right on that moment, the front door opens. Elena and Stefan walk in. "Abby! You're home!" Elena says. She wants to walk towards me and hug me, till she sees the look on our faces.

"What is going on?" Elena asks. "Damon and Abby are breaking up," Jeremy explains. I see how a small smile appears on her face. "You are?" She asks us.

"Hold on, we're not breaking up!" Damon says. He looks back at me, but then seems to realize something.

"What a minute... Was this your idea?" He asks me, "or Elena's?" I let go of him, "Damon, don't be stupid. This is all me." Damon doesn't seem to be convinced.

He turns around to Stefan. "Did you compel her?" He asks. Stefan laughs, "do you really think I would do that?" Damon takes an angry step towards his brother. "Don't lie to me," he says.

"Damon, he didn't compel me. This is my idea. I didn't even tell them about it," I tell him. Damon doesn't even look back at me. "He could've compelled you without you even knowing," he says.

I look at Elena. "Tell him I am not compelled," I beg her. Elena smiles, "Damon, we clearly didn't need to compel her. You know how I feel about compulsion."

Damon turns around to her. "I do, but I also know how you feel about Abby and me being together," he says.

"Good point. Thinking about it now, we should've compelled her a long time ago," she tells Stefan. Stefan nods, "we should've indeed."

Damon's anger raises. Before he can do anything, I walk towards him and put my hands on his cheeks. I turn his face to look at me. "Damon, this is all me. If they would compel me, they would tell me to break up with you for good. They would compel my love for you away, but it's still here," I tell him.

I see in his eyes he knows I am right. "I love you, Damon," I tell him. Damon sighs, "I love you too. That's why I don't want to let you go." I smile, "you don't have to. I'll be back before you even know it."

I lean in and kiss his beautiful lips. I hear an annoyed sigh rolling off Elena's lips, but I ignore it. Damon puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer.

I try to relax and enjoy our kiss, but I just can't. I can only feel his hands on my body. Normally, it makes me feel happy and warm, but now it makes me feel scared.

Every muscle inside of my body screams to let him go and run. I feel like I am laying on the cold floor again, begging for food or freedom. I feel the cold and lonely feeling of seeing Damon on the other side of the bars, reaching out for me. I can almost feel the pain I felt whenever that doctor put his knife or whatever into my body.

Damon and I let go of each other and look in each other's eyes. "That gave you chills too, didn't it?" Damon asks. I feel ashamed, "yes, it did." Damon smiles, but I can see it isn't of happiness.

"Fine, we will take a break," he says, "but can we stay in touch? Can I see you or call you?" I smile and nod, "of course."

Damon reaches out and touches my hair. Even that gives me chills. Damon smiles and takes a step back. "Sorry," he says, "it's hard for me, you know." I smile, "it's okay."

Damon takes a deep breath and looks at me. He takes in my entire body and smiles once more. "I love you, Abby," he says. "I love you too," I tell him.

He walks over to the door, doesn't say a word to anyone else, and leaves. He closes the door behind him and disappears from my sight.

I can't decide if I feel relieved or sad. Actually, a bit of both. I am relieved he agreed with me and I am relieved to not have to feel scared by his touch. But I am sad when I realize I won't be together with him for a while. But at least I know this isn't forever. Whenever I feel ready, I will let him know and we can go on where we left off.

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