Found You (37)

130 3 9

Guess who's back b******? Y'all are too nice. More at the end.

"F***," Harry cursed, realizing that not only had he forgotten the password, but no Gryffindors were left to let him in. He rushed to an abandoned classroom and locked the door. He scrunched down, feeling awful. He started quietly sobbing, wishing that had never happened.

He probably hates you now...he'll never want to see you or be with you ever again. In fact, he probably just thinks you're some kinky weirdo who has mental issues.

Draco was rushing to find his boyfriend, knocking on every door in the school. That is until he heard quiet sobbing coming from a classroom. He tried the knob, only to realize that it was locked.

"Harry... Harry please... Are you okay? It's not that big of a deal... It's okay... Harry?? Harry, I love you, come on..."


Harry stepped out of the room and hugged Draco. They went back to their room and cuddled while Harry got petted, much to both boy's delight.

Ok, I have an explanation. I was reading on Chrome and I saw everyone's comments and... y'all are waayyyy too nice. So um, if I choose to update further, chapters will most likely be shorter, farther apart, and fewer in number. I love y'all, really I do. I've got some things to work out, but I promise that, eventually, things will be okay for me and maybe, just maybe, updates will be more consistent again. I love you all, peace out.

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