They are so in love. (8)

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Slytherin dungeons 3rd person POV

"So, there HAS to be something going on between Dray and Harry, right? He doesn't invite just anyone to sit at the Slytherin table," Pansy said.
"Him and Potter are always together now, at meals and everywhere. I heard a rumor that they were sharing a room in Snape's quarters," Blaise responded.
"Maybe we should slip one of them a love potion."
"I vote Harry, I overheard that he gets pretty clingy under the effects of a love potion." Blaise explained.
"But Dray gets overly protective when he's under." Pansy argued
"Well, we can make two have have them both under the affects and see how that works." Blaise said.

At breakfast, 3rd person PoV

Pansy made Draco a plate and Blaise made Harry's, adding a bit of love potion to both glasses of orange juice.
When Draco sat down, Harry did too, but with less energy. They both took a sip of the orange juice and Draco looked over at Harry.
"Does the juice taste odd to you?" Draco asked.
"Kinda. A little bit like that potion we brewed last week." Harry responded, looking over at Draco.
"That was... Pansy. Did you put a potion in our drinks?"
"For Merlin's sake, Parkinson! Do you not know what respect is? Come on, Harry. Let's go, we have potions first."
They walked out, Pansy and Blaise still laughing at the situation.

With Harry and Draco

Harry looked over at Draco and simply said "Aconite." before passing out.

"Those bloody idiots! They added too much aconite to his potion! Do they not know how to brew a love potion?"
Draco picked Harry up and carried him to Snape's classroom.
"What happened here?"
"Aconite poisoning, Pansy and Blaise attempted to prank us by making love potions for us, but they added too much aconite to his, and frankly, too little in mine."
"I can handle this, take a seat."


Hey, TheGayWallflower, miss you! Talk to you tomorrow, good night!

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