Unstuck (18)

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Snape's POV

Those idiots.
They were supposed to be in my office an hour ago.
"I hate to interrupt this important conversation, but you two were supposed to meet me an hour ago."

3rd person POV

"Sorry Sev, we forgot."
"I can tell."
"As you should know, you have seven days left in this state, however, we can detach you right now with a cure we found yesterday. We didn't bother to find one earlier because we thought that it would have been their fault, therefore they would have to deal with consequences. Would you like to take the cure?"
Draco whispered something in to Harry's ear and he smiled devilishly then nodded.

After taking the cure, Draco explained that staying with him still would be best with the growing situation. Snape agreed to the arrangement, seeing as they would have just gone to the Room of Requirement instead. The two looked at each other and laughed, which concerned Snape knowing what could come from the two putting their heads together.
However, what they were planning wasn't anything too big or even funny, just a way to mess with their friends.

They made their way back to their common room quietly and in secret. Once there they began wrapping their gifts and brought them to the ROR. This year, some Slytherins and Gryffindors are sharing the ROR for Christmas purposes. They put the now wrapped presents under the tree and walked away holding hands, incase anyone was there. They started doing small things that would require them to have both of their hands in their dorm, then subtly showing their friends to baffle them. The first move was wrapping gifts, then knitting some scarves, cooking, ect.. Their friends were constantly surprised and kept asking how they did it. They would change the subject and disregard the question. That is, until dinner the night before their supposed release. They looked at each other, then to Pansy and the others and let go.
"I thought you weren't supposed to separate until tomorrow!"
"We've been separated for seven days now, we've just been messing with you. They found a cure and we took it just to f**k with you."
"Wow. Harry, are you sure you aren't a Slytherin? We need you here."
"Actually, now that I think about it, it's going to be really strange not having you around all the time."
Harry laughed, "Just because we're separated doesn't mean I'm just going to up and leave you all! You guys are the best!"

A/N: I am so sorry! I've been sick recently and thing have been hectic and I know that that's not really an excuse because I have a four day weekend. I just want to say sorry, for not updating, and thank you, for reading this. I love you all.

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