Why him? (19)

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The Slytherins, after a big group hug, decided to let the lovebirds go. They had some shopping to do after all.

Harry went to a muggle bookstore (B.A.M or B&N lol) to get his boyfriend his books. Man is Draco a sucker for certain books.
Draco also went to the muggle world. He went to a clothes store and picked out some outfits he knew would look absolutely jaw-dropping amazing on Harry. After those were packed up, he went to another store and picked up a few supplies, including more sketch books and watercolor paper, that he noticed Harry was running low on.

The two cringed when they saw that they had gotten back at the same. They decided on flipping a coin to determine who wrapped first and who stayed in the hall and waited. Harry got tails, meaning he had to wait. Even though he totally called heads first, but nooo.
After wrapping his gifts, Draco set off to put the presents under the R.O.R tree, leaving Harry to wrap his gifts.

When Harry put his gift underneath the tree, he noticed the large amount of gifts that were there. It was just going to be Dray's friends, Ron, and Hermione, so what were all of them for? He looked around and realized most of them were for either him or Dray, and they were mainly from Pansy. He blushed lightly as tears welled up in his eyes, which he quickly wiped away, not wanting to concern Draco.
He was happily walking back to Snape's quarters when he slipped and fell. It wasn't just any fall, however. It was a spilled potion on the floor. Broken glass dug into his skin as the effects took place. Everything went hazy and....

"Harry?! Harry oh my Merlin! I knew we shouldn't have left the potion unattended! Blaise, go get Draco!" Pansy shouted.
A few moments later...

"Is that... Harry? Is he okay? What happened here? We need to take him to Madame Pomfrey immediately!!"
"But Draayyyy! Snape said if I made another potions mistake like this, I'd get detention for a month! Have a heart, will you?"
As the two argued, Harry's condition was getting worse.
"Fine! I'll take care of this."
Draco took Harry's unconscious body to their room and slowly picked the glass shards out of his skin and treated his wounds carefully, as to not worsen the situation. The boy's been through so much already, did this really have to happen now of all times? (420) Draco looked down at Harry and started to cry softly. Why him? What did he do to deserve this?

What do y'all think happened to Harry?

(I'm sorry for the late updates, I really am. I'm trying, just failing. I'm getting better though. Hopefully I'll get better at updating soon.)

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