Boredom (15)

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3rd person POV
"Ugh! We've gotten used to it by now.. but we can't go back to classes for another daayyy!"
Harry complained.
"You're really complaining that we can't go to class until tomorrow? I thought you hated going to class."
"I doooo but it's better than being booorreeddd!"
"Then what about magical truth or dare?"
Draco said a spell and there was a green bubble around them.

"Okay, do you want to go first? I have no clue what to dare or ask you." Harry said.
"Okay then, truth or dare?"
"What do I have to lose? Truth."
"How do you view yourself now versus on the train?"
"Well, according to my brain, on the 11th, I felt like an overweight idiotic mistake, and today I feel like a disappointment and a disgrace, but y'know. Better."
"Oookaayyy... Your turn."
"Truth or dare?"
"What's your sexuality?"
"I'm so gay, I can't think straight!"
"Good to know! Your turn."
"Truth or dare?"
"Hmm dare."
"I dare you to take care of yourself, for a whole year!"
"Ha ha, very funny, what's your real dare?"
"Okay, okay, I dare you... to let me dress you for tomorrow's annual Slytherin outing*!"
"Fine, but will we be aloud to go? I'm not exactly a Slytherin."
Draco rolled his eyes.
"Of course you can go! I'm the Slytherin Prince, remember? You are definitely coming, no doubt."
"Hmm, truth or dare?"
"Then I dare you to let me dress you for the Gryffindor outing in two days."
"Will that be a good-"
"It's a wonderful idea and if you don't go I won't go to the Slytherin one."

After a few more rounds, they got bored again.
"So uhh... What now?" Harry asked.
"I don't know, the others are in class and we can't go anywhere outside of the castle grounds."
"Do you have any secrets?"
"Do you?"

So then, they spent the afternoon sharing secrets. Harry confessed that he had PTSD, had developed anorexia over time, had experienced sexual abuse both at home and at school, had frequent panic attacks at home and was beat while having them, also that the only stuff he got was hand-me-downs until he got to Hogwarts. Draco confessed that he wanted to dye his hair pastel blue, run away from home, refuse the Dark Mark, and that his father occasionally hit him if he did something wrong.
"You know, my old school had a mental health awareness month. They had free mental health screenings for everyone, and didn't make anyone sign a form because they didn't think they'd find anything. I tried so hard to avoid it, but I couldn't just skip school. I hid out in the bathroom, but they found me and kindly forced me into doing it. They found out everything about my awful mental health and I think what concerned them most was that I told them not to call my aunt and uncle. A few teachers found out and tried to get me into therapy, but I refused. That was a difficult month I swear that school was so persistent!"
"Wow. At my school, which was a private school, any mention of depression and off to the mental hospital you go!"
They laughed and talked, until and announcement came on.

"Hello Hogwarts!"
"What an annoying voice." Draco said.
"As you may know, Harry Potter, our absolute savior, attempted to kill himself a few weeks ago! To top it off, him and Draco Malfoy are gay! His father will surely hear about this! What you may not know, however, is that Harry Potter, the perfect golden boy that everyone loves, gets abused in his own home! Not such a perfect boy now are we, Harry Potter?"
Harry was shaking. Sweat ran down his face. His heart was pounding right out of his chest. He was choking on seemingly nothing and he was grasping at his chest.
Harry's POV
I'm going to die
I'm going to die
I'm going to die
Am I going crazy?
I'm dizzy.
Is this what death feels like?
Am I even in control?
Draco's POV
Oh god, it's a panic attack!
How do I help??
"Harry, breath. You're okay, it's going to be okay just breath for me, okay?"
3rd person pov
After about 30 minutes, Harry was finally able to calm down. He cuddled up with Draco and softly whispered, "I don't care if they know anymore."

Slytherin outing-
Once a year, all of the houses go out (on separate days, of course) to Hogsmeade during school. This time is used to relax, catch up with friends, go shopping, or just get away from the teachers for a while. The Head of House teacher always goes along, but is ordered to stay out of the students' way.

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