Growing Up (22)

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Draco noticed that Harry wasn't eating much, though he never does.
"Is something the matter, Harry?"
"Oh- no... I'm just not used to having this much food..."
"How much do you usually have?
"Uncle Vernon usually gives me half a biscuit and some water at night!"
Draco hated the Durselys with a burning passion even more every single minute.
"Well, how about you eat as much as you want, ok? There's unlimited food here, so don't worry about running out."
"Okay Draco."
"You can call me Dray if you want, it rolls off the tongue better, I think."
"Okay... Dray!"
Harry smiled brightly and continued to eat. He still didn't eat much, but it was more than what he was used to.

After dinner, Harry and Draco retreated back into their dorm as Harry was getting sleepy. Draco offered to help Harry with his pajamas, but Harry was quick to decline and lock himself in the bathroom to change instead. Once Harry came out, Draco simply whispered, "I know about the scars. All of them. I'm so, so sorry."
Harry looked shocked, then sad, then smiled and nodded at Draco.
"It'll be alright. I'm with you now. They can't hurt me."
Draco smiled, almost tearing up, and gestured for a hug. Maybe little Harry liked hugs, but then again maybe not because big Harry disliked most physical contact. However, Harry ran and hugged Draco.
"That's right, Harry. They can't hurt you anymore."
Just then, Harry's body got bigger. His clothes, luckily, grew with him. Harry, remembering everything that just happened, continued to hug a very confused Draco.
"Hey, Dray. Thanks for everything. That was... well better than anything that happened in my childhood."

After a very long lecture, via Draco, and a few playful (or not so playful) slaps given on either end, and a half-hearted apology, via Pansy, everything was cleared up. Almost.
"I can't wait until breakfast." Harry said, smirking devilishly.
"I have a few choice words to say to Ron, and a thank you to say to Hermione." Harry laughed after a few minutes of silence, clearing the stiff air.
"I'm joking! I will tell Ron to keep his opinion to himself and thank Hermione though."

Everyone laughed and began recalling their own childhood stories, or memories of other children. After a while though, Harry's previous adrenaline rush had disappeared and he fell asleep on Draco's arm, who wasn't too slow to follow after. Being in their room, Pansy tucked them in (very couple-esque, of course) and left back for the common room.

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