Promise me (29)

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3rd person POV (im sorry)

"I know that look in your eyes, go on up and check on him. If your late I'll let Professor Sprout know why."
"T-thank you."

Draco ran to the Slytherin dorms, panting as he practically yelled the password. He heard a 'thunk' and knew something had happened. His thoughts were racing a mile a minute, but one shone above the rest.
Get to Harry.

Draco's POV

Is he okay?
Well, clearly he's not, who else made that 'thunk' noise?



I picked him up carefully and ran down stairs. Then I remembered that Madame Pomfrey was in Hogsmede today, and then he remembered the healing potions she had given him.

"If there is ever a moment where Harry cuts himself again and I am not around, pour a drop of this on each cut then bandage him. Once Snape, or I, see the bandages, we'll understand the situation immediately. If it's bad to the point he's unconscious, alert Snape and he will take care of the situation. Still use the potions though, and don't be scared to strip him down to his boxers, if needed, in order to reach every cut."

3rd person

Draco sat Harry in the empty bathtub after removing everything but his boxers. He then poured the potion and gently wiped of the dried (and still wet) blood with a washcloth and warm water. After cleaning up the blood, he dryer Harry off then dressed him in pj's and put his bandages on. He then poured some dreamless sleep down Harry's throat to prevent nightmares, then proceeded to clean the floor of blood. After that, he looked for anything Harry could use to cut, and put it in a bag, and then put it in Pansy's room with a note saying

'Meet me in front of my dorm ASAP.

Even with the knowledge that Harry wouldn't wake up soon due to the dreamless sleep potion, he felt obligated to stay with him, feeling as if it was his fault Harry was like this. He kept blaming himself. If only he had noticed Harry's strange behavior. If only he had checked sooner. If only he had told Pansy he felt off earlier.

After a few hours, after Pansy had come and gone, after everyone had ate dinner and gone to bed, Harry woke up.
He asked, groggily.
"What happened?"
"I... I heard this voice. I-it told me you didn't love me and- and I... I gave in..."
"Harry James Potter, you listen to me. I love you more than anything in this world and no one- not even a voice in your head- should tell you otherwise. You mean so much to me that I can't even describe how I feel. You are an amazing human being and don't ever tell yourself otherwise. You are beautiful, powerful, kind, strong, brave, cunning, caring, forgiving, and so much more. You are an amazing human being and I can't believe someone as amazing as you even exists. You should have never been treated the way that you were, and I want to show you that, so listen. I love you. I love you so, so much. I want to be there for you, always."
Harry started tearing up.
"I-I love y-you too D-dray... s-s-so mu-much..."
Draco hugged Harry, then whispered, "Then promise me you won't cut anymore. Promise me you'll try. Promise me that you'll stay alive, promise. Please."
"I-I promise. I promise that I'll try harder, Dray... I promise."
"Thank you..."

Now it was getting late, so the two snuggled up for a warm night full of small kisses and happy dreams.

All was well again.

Well, almost.

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