Maybe Slytherin isn't all that bad. (6)

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"Can we eat at the Slytherin table? Ron and Hermione are kinda scary right now... I don't want them to yell at me," he asked.
"Alright then."

Harry's POV

"Why is he sitting here?" Pansy, I think, asked.
"Something happened and he can't sit at Gryffindor table right now. Please try getting along with him, for now at least. "
"Ok, I'll try."

The meal was fine, everyone was pretty nice.

Maybe being a Slytherin wouldn't have been as bad as I originally thought.
I lied down on the shared bed.

"Wanna know something?"
"Uh, sure."
"I was supposed to be in Slytherin, but I told the hat to put me in Gryffindor because everyone told me Slytherin was bad. I'm sort of sad I'm not a Slytherin now, they seem pretty nice."
"Oh really? Hmm... wanna try on my robes? I kinda of want to see a Slytherin Harry Potter."
"Um, alright."
I got up and clipped Draco's silken robes on me.
"Hmm.. hold on."
He went over to his closet and handed me a green button up shirt with some black trousers.
"Go change. I think you'll look good in green."
"Well it is my favorite color."

Draco's POV

Wow, who knew, Gryffindor's golden boy likes Slytherin green, and looks damn good in it too. I would have started drooling on the spot had I not thought of the green button up in my closet.
But I think I might start drooling now.

"Wow, that looks amazing on you... ok that's it I can get another outfit like that you're keeping it."
"Yep, you're keeping that outfit green looks so good on you, you cannot even fathom how great you look right now."
"You're only saying that because they're you're clothes."
"That is incorrect."

Merlin I will kiss him out of spite alone I swear.

"Alright, fine I'll keep the outfit. Jeez Slytherins are so stubborn."
"And Gryffindors aren't? You all are more hard headed than a rock (Kirishima!... Wait wrong fandom) sometimes!"
"That is true."

To my dismay, he changed out of his new clothes and into his pajamas.

"So, are we dating or what?"
"What do you mean?"
"You just gave me your clothes, we kissed, you saved my life, we confessed our love for each other, so are we dating?"
"I wanted to ask the same thing, but I was scared you weren't ready."
"Merlin, Draco I've 'been ready' for seven years!"
"Oh. Well then, lion, I love you."
"Love you too, dragon."

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