Cuddling for warmth [and y'all thought I couldn't write fluff] (32)

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The night was cold, mainly because sOmEoNe left the window open *COUGH* PANSY *COUGH*, causing Harry and Draco to cuddle closer than normal. Draco's warm breath hit Harry, causing him to shiver more than once. Harry was feeling pretty warm having his boyfriend wrapped around him tightly, but still clutched to the covers for warmth. Draco eventually awoke due to the cold to find that it had snowed. Inside their room.
Why did I think it was a good idea to play the games in our room? We could've just used the common room...he thought,  staring at the window Pansy left open.
He closed the window and spelled away the snow. He noticed Harry shivering and realized it was still cold in the room. Wanting revenge, he accioed Pansy's blankets to him and put them on the bed. He then lied back down to continue spooning his lover. In the morning, it was warmer, but unfortunately, Harry was awoken by furious knocking. Not wanting to get up, he nudged Draco.
"Drrrraaayyyyyyy wwwakkkkee uuuppp!!"
"Hmmmmm what?"
"Someone's knocking on the door and they sound mmaaaddddd..."
"Ugh I bet it's Pansy, hide the blankets..."
After stuffing the blankets under the bed, Draco opened the door to an enraged Parkinson.
"Do you know where my blankets went last night???"
"No? Why?"
"They weren't on my bed this morning and no one knows where they are!"
"Well, we can't help you, now let us get back to sleep."

The two put the blankets back in their bed and continued to cuddle. They eventually fell back to sleep.

A/N: Here is a short fluff chapter! :) It's been mostly angst lately, so I decided y'all deserve this. I hoped it would be longer, and I'm still bad at writing anything but angst, but I hope this will suffice! I will try to write more this week. Love y'all, bye.

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