Answers (violent, strong language) (10)

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Draco's POV
"I think about two weeks, it'll be okay, I'm sure." I responded. Now, I can get some answers.
"So, how do you feel?" I asked, secretly casting a truth spell on Harry.
"Like a bloody mistake, as per usual."
(Honestly mood)
"How come?"
"Because if I had been paying more attention this wouldn't have happened!"
"Quick question, what do the Dursleys do to you?"
"Depends, Aunt Petunia usually calls me names, and Dudley likes to hit me and be a regular school bully, as for Vernon... that bloody b**ch likes to hit me, kick me, attempt to drown me, starve me, cut me, burn me, choke me, force me to throw up anything that touches my stomach acid; and the stomach acid itself, and generally break me in any way possible. If I got a chance to kill them, he'd be first. I'd start of with a nice, slow crucio, then continue that over a few days, then multiply the pain I felt by ten and deliver it to him. I'll make him beg for me to kill him. I'll do it slowly, the muggle way, but with magic laced in to help me out. All while his wife and precious child watch..."
Merlin, Potter! How are you so violent?!
"Umm, okay then, do you like me?"
"Like you? I love you! I love you with every single piece of my soul! Words can't describe how much I love you! I would die for you ten times over, and that's a fact!"
"Do you feel like a Slytherin at any point?"
"F**k yeah, all the time! I wish I was put into Slytherin! I was going to be, but the bloody idiot I call my eleven year old self decided 'no, I wanna be a gryffindor!' So annoying!"
"How do you feel about being stuck together?"
"I'm loving it! Cuddles every night? Answers to my potions homework? Spending all of our time together? F**k yeah!"
He really likes cuddles, doesn't he? How can someone so murderous be this cute?
"Do you like the nickname lion?"
"Bloody hell, of course I do! It's powerful and strong, like me!"
"What nicknames do you have for me?"
"Dray, Dragon, Snake, Dee, Dracy, my protector, and kitten."
"Why kitten?"
"'Cause you're cute, y'know, like a kitten."
I drop the spell, that's all I needed.
"Love you, Harry."
"Hm? Love you too, Dray. "
"Mmm... Always.."

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