Progress (13)

387 8 4

Draco's POV
He started sobbing, so I cuddled him the best that I could.
"Shh, shh. They don't hate you, they hate your situation."
"I... I should've just died..."
"No, no, no. Harry, we've been making such good progress. These thoughts won't help, okay? We'll get through this together. You're not alone anymore. I'm here. You're safe now, okay?"
He nodded into my chest.
"Good, you're doing so well, I love you. I promise I will never leave."
He hugged me tighter, if that's even possible.
"Never, ever, ever forget that I am always here. If you ever need anything, I am here for you. I can and will help you. These thoughts will never, ever come between us, got it? Never lose sight of the people who care about you, those are the important people. You don't have to impress anyone, you don't have to live up to anyone's standards but your own. You are perfect, you are an amazing, wonderful human being. Never let anyone tell you you aren't. I love you for everything that you are. You never have to be anyone you don't want to be. If someone tells you you aren't good enough, you should know they're wrong. You matter to me, if it feels like no one cares about you, I do. I don't know what I would do without you. You are my source of joy, I wake up every morning just to see your face. You are so much more important than you know, and not for the reasons you think. You aren't just the savior of The wizarding world, you're my savior too. I love you, Harry James Potter, and don't you ever, ever, forget that. You are my light, my love, my reason for fighting. Never let anybody tell you that you are worthless, or anything of the sort, because they are wrong, so, so wrong. So don't cry over some stupid twats who think they're better than you, because they're not. Okay?"
He giggled a little as he wiped his tears.
After getting him calm, he decided to draw while I read.
"What are you drawing, lion?"
I asked, looking over.
"Well, if you're the Slytherin Ice Prince and I'm King of the Gryffindors, it's our kingdom. Kind of like a safe place for us to rule!"
He said with a bright smile. Merlin I love that smile.
"Well its quite good."
He quickly got back to working. (420)
I love you so much, Harry James Potter.
I looked back down at my book, something that Harry had recommended. It's called Wings Of Fire, a muggle interpretation of what dragons are like. He thinks that I'm either like Glory or Tsunami, though I don't see it. I don't really know who Sunny is in my personal life, but Granger is definitely Starflight (catch me checking my book 'cause I forgot his name XD). I kind of think that possibly Harry may be Clay in a few ways, seeing as how and first glance, the name 'Harry Potter' can be intimidating, but he's really just a sweetheart who couldn't hurt a fly unless that fly hurt his friends first.
(Okay, okay, enough about WOF I need to focus on THIS book.)
"How are you liking the book so far?"
"Despite the horribly wrong depiction of dragons, I quite like it. I'm on book three, The Hidden Kingdom."
"That's a good one! Glory is just so-"
"Habapababa! No spoilers! I'm only on page eighty!"
With that, I set my book aside and turned off my lamp.
"Night Harry."
"Night Dray."

Harry's POV

Draco's too sweet, I should do something for him.. But what? Maybe a drawing of him or... Argh! Christmas is so close and he's done so much! I can't go shopping for another twelve days and it's so frustrating! What am I supposed to get the boy who has everything?!

Wait! He said he wanted to study psychology, right? I could get him a psychology book as well as the rest of the WoF series! Step over Hermione, books are my territory this year!

A/N: That speech alone was 247 words, wth.
Also, so, so sorry about being lazy and not getting this out sooner!
Bye bye!

Also, Kiribaku1426,
I'm working on that cross over, promise!

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