Recovery (30)

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Draco knew he had to tell Snape. He filled a glass up with water and set it on the table. He then wrote a note so that Harry wouldn't be scared when he woke up.

'Dear Harry,
I'm just going to go talk to uncle Sev, I'll be back soon. We started winter break today anyways, so don't worry about class. If you're hungry, feel free to call up a house elf. Please remember your promise last night, I love you. If you start having the thoughts again tell Pansy (she's sworn to secrecy, she won't tell anyone and she knows what happened last night.). She'll bring you to me and we can talk, okay? I love you Lion, see you soon.

With that, Draco left, and slipped a note under Pansy's door.

'Dear Pansy,
I will be either talking to Uncle Sev or at the Gryffindor dorms. If Harry comes to you, bring him to me immediately. Thank you.

He hurried to the Gryffindor dorms.
"What does a Slytherin like you want, Malfoy?"
"Please allow me to speak to Granger. This is an important matter."
"Ugh whatever. Oi, 'Mione! Malfoy's here to see ya, says it's important."

Hermione stepped out of the dorms and shut the painting-door behind her.

"Just thought you'd want to know that Harry er... relapsed... last night and he's okay now, but I don't quite know what triggered it. I thought it would be good to make you aware of this, now I have other business to attend to, enjoy your trip with the Wesley's, see you after break."
He waved and Hermione's face morphed quickly from shock, to sadness, back into a somewhat neutral face as she walked back into the dorms.

Draco then rushes to Snape's room. He knocks, hoping that he'll be there.
"What is it?"
"Um... Harry sort of relapsed his cutting and I treated him with the healing potion and Madame Pomfrey's away right now and I didn't know who else to tell-"
"When did this happen?"
"L-last night, after dinner. Or, well, I guess, during dinner... "
"And you didn't think to tell me sooner?"
"I-I wasn't- I- I was overwhelmed, and I didn't know what to do or think or say so I just took care of him-"
"Well if you've already taken care of it, the I have no business doing anything, but I am somewhat glad you made me aware. Do you know what caused the relapse?"
"No, not exactly, other than the fact that he told me voices told him I didn't love him anymore... Which I assured him wasn't true..."

Harry was panicking, where's Draco? He assumed he realized how worthless he was and left... until he read the note, which calmed him down. He went and took a shower then got back into bed to read until Draco came back.
How long has he been gone for? Harry wondered. Just a few moments later, Draco came in.
"Hey, how are you?"
"Better, how are you?"
"Doing well, have you ordered any food?"
"Nah, just took a shower actually. You want something?"
After ordering some food, they chatted and just enjoyed each other's company for a while. They cuddled up and said some sappy, loving things to each other and tried to out-do the other's sappiness. They read with each other, and eventually made their way down to lunch, where Ron and Hermione came over to the Slytherin table to hang out. They decided not to bring up what happened the previous night.

After dinner, they all went their separate ways. Tomorrow it was just going to be Pansy, Blaise, Draco, and Harry.

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