Throne (11)

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3rd person POV
Walking to dinner was no easy feat, everyone either had sparkling, excited eyes, getting paid or paying their friends, or shooting hateful looks or comments. The Slytherins who knew Draco shot sympathetic looks, while the Griffindors who knew Harry shot angry looks at Draco.
"Hah, f*gs!"
"I bet Draco brainwashed Harry with a potion or something, poor soul."
"Gretchen, you owe me $10."
"Ahh! So cute!"
"I can't believe the Slytherin king got with the all-mighty king of Gryffindor!"
"I bet his father will hear about this!"
It wasn't until one unsuspecting Gryffindor said
"You know, you two have a special place in Hell!"
"Yeah, the throne, see you there, peasant." Draco responded, flipping him off. He hated how upset Harry was by the comments and all of the attention. At least this got him laughing.
"That was bloody brilliant Draco, well done!" he laughed.
Everyone else in the hall was too shocked to say anything, so the pair just walked in, laughing as if nothing had happened.
"Pansy, you have to hear about what Draco did just now!"
"What? Spill the tea!"
"Ok so everyone was being super mean in the hallway when some Gryffindor said 'You know, you two have a special place in Hell!' and the Draco-he," Harry bursted into laughter, "He said 'Yeah, the throne, see you there, peasant!'"
Everyone was laughing, even the ice prince himself.
"Well if their going to call us kings, might as well rule them."
Draco said, causing another burst of laughter from the Slytherin table.
"Guys!" Pansy said, getting their attention, "Inside joke time, 'the throne' can be our new inside joke, ok? It may also be used as a codeword in the future, so remember it."
At this point, it was known that inside jokes among Slytherins may often be used as codewords, and bloody good ones at that. People get used to the Slytherins having inside jokes, so when saying them, they think nothing of it. Therefore, great codewords are born. They use codewords as names for secret parties, Slytherin Protection Squad™ situations*, passwords to get into certain rooms or places, signals of trust during PolyJuice apocalypses**, or just means of confusion. Current code words are changed every week, unless something goes awry. Codewords either mean that chaos has ensued, or that chaos will ensue. Codewords have included:
Yee Haw
Magic Man
Muggle Magic
Oh no
Bouquet of whoopsie-daisies
That's a lot of damage
Nothing Happens
I'm gay and I can't do math
Drugs, ok?
Worcestershire Sauce
Next on... Does Blaise do drugs??
The throne.
All of which are results of inside jokes.

That was when Pansy hit Harry's arm, quite gently, after be made a joke, because it was a bad joke. Harry's face went pale, and Draco felt a burning sensation.
"Please refrain from touching either Potter or Malfoy, as it will result in an unbearable, searing pain." Snape said, standing at the podium.

Slytherin Protection Squad™-
Every house has a protection squad, but the Hufflepuff one is the most famous one. They are made of 6th years and up (as well as occasionally 5th years) who volunteer to defend younger students- in house or not- from any sort of harm, mainly bullies.
PolyJuice apocalypses- These happen when someone is caught making PolyJuice. All trust is lost and codewords are in order as to filter out the culprits and rediscover trust.

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