Good Liar (12)

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It concerned Draco that Harry didn't even make a sound. He just went pale for a few moments then back to normal.
"Sorry, Harry, I had no idea!"
"It's fine Pansy, no one knew. I'm okay, don't worry." Harry said with a smile. Not even Draco could tell that it was faked, or what thoughts went through Harry's mind when it happened.

Harry's POV

It may have hurt, but it's not near the crucio curse, or most of the things my 'family' does to me. Honestly, I would rather have everyone in Hogwarts touch me at the same time that go back to them.

Draco's POV

Harry hates being touched after what happened, and I know that the touch hurt him, but he smiled through it all? How could those muggles do this to him? He's learned to smile through painful experiences, physical and mental, he's so strong. He's a perfect child who's handsome and powerful and thinks he is nothing of the sort because of his family. They are so dead.

Gryffindor Table- 3rd POV
"They look so happy over there, 'Mione, do you think Harry'll up and switch to Slytherin on us?"
Ron said, sadly.
"While I seriously doubt it, he might not feel like hanging out with the Gryffindors anymore, which concerns me. The Gryffindors have been rather rude to him lately, so don't expect him to come around any time soon." Hermione explained
"But 'Mioneeee! He has to come back at some point! He's a Gryffindor at heartttt!!!!!!"
Ron whined.
"I know he is, but now isn't the best time. We'll ask him about it later, under better circumstances."

Hallways-With Drarry-3rd POV

"I don't know, Maloney, seems toxic to me."
"But Em! It's so cute!"
"Ugh, maybe Harry should've died, who wants a f***ot like him to save the wizarding world anyway?"
"I heard a rumor that his aunt and uncle hate him!"
"Why wouldn't you? I wouldn't want that mistake in my house either!"

Harry's POV
They're right
I'm just a mistake
I shouldn't be here
I should've killed myself earlier
I can't even hurt myself now because Dray will feel it
If I was never born my parents would still be here
I want to see them, but I have to wait two weeks.
I just want to die.
I'm coming, mom and dad, see you soon.

Draco's POV

He's still smiling, but he's shaking. He wants to cry, I can tell.

3rd person POV
Draco started going faster as to avoid people. He took sharp turns down empty corridors and stairs Harry didn't even knew existed. They reached their room a lot quicker this way. Draco said the password and entered their room. Harry then sat down on the bed and started sobbing.
"Why do they hate me, Dray?"

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