The Secrets That He Has (2)

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Draco's POV

Bloody hell, does Pansy ever shut up?

"I'm going to get some water, not that I have to explain my whereabouts to you two," I say. I need to find an empty compartment.

I think.. an empty compartment!
I walk in.
Is that... HARRY? Is he okay? He looks dead!
Should I... wake him up? No, no, he looks tired. I'll ask him if he's okay when he wakes up. Maybe I should talk to Snape when I get to Hogwarts, he's my godfather so he'll understand, right? I just hope Harry's okay, he's really scaring me right now, he looks so tired, hurt, and sick. So, so sick. He's so pale, and thin... scars litter his body. Who did this to him? They will pay. Wait... glamors. Does he always look like this after the summer?

"Just.. m.... kill me... already..."
"mmmmmm... death"

I mean, honestly, same, but is he okay?

"Harry.... Haaarrrrryyyyy.. Harry wake up."
"Hmm.. Are we there.. Draco?"
"Yes, Harry, it's me."
He's clearly terrified.
"Shush! You'll ward off any silencing charms that are left! We aren't at Hogwarts yet and I would like you to explain your.. natural.. appearance." I demanded, a lot harsher than I meant.
"Why would I tell you? Ron and Hermione don't know, so why should you?"
"Because I'll tell Snape to keep an eye on you and you'll have to deal with him instead of me."
He sighs, "Fair enough. Though I won't tell you what happened, I will tell you that I do usually look like this after summer break, and it's not from anything magical."
"Then tell me about it, I know nothing of muggle families."
"I won't let you off this train until you tell me."
"Oh well, guess we'll be here all year then." He stuck out his tongue.
Suddenly, the train stopped.
"There should be another hour! What happened?" I asked, annoyed.
"Sorry everyone, there is an exceptionally large tree blocking the tracks and it will take a while to lift, even with magic. Sorry for the inconvenience." the person on the loud speaker boomed, as if responding to my question.
"What are we supposed to do now?" Harry asked.
I got a devilishly good idea, one worthy of a Slytherin.
"How about we play a game of magical truth or dare?"

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