Stuck together (9)

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"Alright, he'll wake up before class starts. I'll have to have a conversation with Parkinson and Zabini after class."
Snape said, rubbing his nose from being annoyed.
"That's good, he can sit with me, he's still weary of Granger and Weasley." Draco said, not wanting Harry to feel overwhelmed.

During class, after Harry has woken up.

"Today, we will be working on a connection potion, this shall only work if the two people have a strong enough connection, so as much as I hate to do this, you may choose your partner for today's class."
Everybody quietly cheered and scrambled to sit with their friends. Hermione and Ron looked over, but Harry looked quite happy with Draco so they sat together and decided to ignore them.
"Page 395, you may begin."
Harry would usually expect to do badly, but with Draco he knows he'll get an A, as long as he doesn't mess it up. They decided the best course of action was for Draco to tell Harry what to do.
"Okay, the beetle wings are for how long it lasts, we only need ten minutes so we need one half of a wing."
Harry went to cut up the wing when Pansy, who just so happened to be next to them, dumped a full container, about 1,000 wings, into the cauldron, without either of them noticing. Harry dropped in the half wing in and stirred 10 times clockwise before tapping Draco on the shoulder, notifying that he was done.
"Alright, we just have to apply some into our hands and wait ten minutes, then we're done."
They took a dropper and applied three drops and took each other's hands. That's when Pansy started laughing.
"Bloody hell, what did you do?"
They didn't believe her, but they had no clue what she did until ten minutes later.
"And now the potion should've worn off, please remove your hands." Snape said. Draco attempted to remove his hand with confidence, and when he realized that they were stuck, he knew what Pansy did.
"Parkinson..." he muttered.
"Dray? What's wrong?"
"Harry, hand me the jar of beetle wings." he almost demanded.
"O-okay," Harry said as he did what he was told.
"Damn Parkinson! She dumped all of the beetle wings into our potion!" Draco yelled upon finding an empty container.
Pansy snickered until seeing the look on Draco's face. She knew she would be lectured, and possibly slapped once or twice, endlessly after classes were over.
Harry noticed that Draco was upset and rubbed circles on his back to help him relax and told him to go talk to Snape. Draco got up, calmer than before and with Harry being dragged behind him, and went to talk to Snape.
Snape told them that he'd talk to Pansy, and that detention was in order. Snape also told them that they could take the rest of the day off. They headed to their room in Snape's quarters.

"How long are we going to be stuck like this?"

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