Uh Oh (23)

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Draco was the first to wake up. Feeling something warm on him, he decided to open his eyes and see what was providing more than 50% of his body heat. When he looked down, he smiled at the boy who had his arms lazily wrapped around him. He decided against waking him up and began reading.

A few hours later, Draco felt the figure next to him stir.
"Morning... love..." Harry half-whispered, groggily.
"Morning Harry. We have to report to Sev sometime today, so I suggest we get dressed."
With a quick kiss, the two got dressed and proceeded to procrastinate the meeting by snuggling and reading together for hours.
"Harry, it's one. Sev will be expecting us soon, so let's go."

"Oh, I see that you're doing well, Mr.Potter."
"I swear uncle Sev, he turned back late last night and it's not his fault we didn't-"
"Quiet. I will forgive you this time, but do not let it happen again, understood?"
"Yes sir!"
"Now, for the main topic of discussion. Potter is not being aloud home for the holidays after the incidents that have occurred this year, so, Draco, are you staying as well?"
"Yes. My family is barley around during that time anyways, so no harm will be done."
"Very well then. I will make the Malfoys and the Dursleys aware of-"
"Please don't contact the Dursleys. If they read your message at all, it'll end badly for me."
"We have to-"
"They won't care. I usually stay with the Weasley family anyways."
"Fine. But only this once. You two are dismissed."
After Snape handed them the potions lesson they missed that day, they went back to the dorm.
"What's wrong?"
"F**k Snape, F**k potions, F**k magic, F**k my life."
"Harry, what happened?"
"Snape wants me to f***ing kill myself I swear."
Draco took the note.
'For today's potion class, we'll be doing a memory walking potion. Partner A will use a strand of hair in the potion that Partner B will drink. Partner B will then be able to see the memories of Partner A for ten minutes. For you two specifically, I am assigning Potter to A and Draco to B.'
"Oh f**k."

The Darkest of Minds Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora