Pain (25)

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A/N: I wanted to thank you all again for all of your kind words and support, but here's the new chapter I promised!

Harry's POV

Why does it hurt so much? Why do I have to experience the pain all over again? I didn't think this was supposed to hurt...

3rd person POV

Harry was feeling everything- physical and emotional- from the memories Draco was watching. He felt the unrelenting churning in his stomach from being starved. The absolute terror in being told he was to stay home. The burning inferiority he felt when yelled at. He felt the water fill his lungs, the panic from his attack, the cuts; whips; burns; and being thrown, he felt the blade go across his skin, he felt the rope being tied around his neck, he felt the overwhelming sadness from not being loved, he felt all of it. Then, he felt the terror of being found out, the happiness of playing around with Draco, the sense of fun and sass when talking to him, the absolute kindness that radiated off of Draco, the pure joy of joking around with the Slytherins, and most importantly the love that he only felt around Draco. He felt all of that, too.

He knew Draco had been pushed out at this point, as he could no longer sense his presence. The memories were slowly fading away as he drifted off.

Draco, tears still slowly rolling down his face, was stroking Harry's messy hair.
"How on earth did you survive? You almost didn't... I wouldn't have been able to do it. I could see it, the emptiness, the lack of emotion you felt after it happened. You were slowly breaking... they hurt you so much, baby. I never want you to go through that again. I want to save you, but my family would never approve... Harry I'm so, so sorry. Maybe... maybe I can get us a house. Away from my father's desires for me, away from your family. Close enough to Hogwarts to not have to take the train. We'll move in together, I can help you... together we can afford everything we need. We'll be okay Harry... I just need you to wait."
Draco was about to say more, but then another memory of Harry's popped up. Is this normal? He wondered as the memory played.

It showed a boy.
"Hey... So we've been dating for a while and... "
"Did you actually think I loved you? You're just a f*g. Hey, now I have all of your dirty secrets so unless you want them spilled, you do what I say okay?"
"I thought.."
"What? That we had something? That this was going somewhere? Please, I'm not even gay. This is something my friends and my girlfriend came up with, idiot."
"Oh... sorry. What is it that you want me to do?"
"I want you to come out to the entire school during the talent show. Then, I want you to kill yourself and actually succeed this time."

It flashed to a stage, with Harry and a microphone.
"Listen. Since this is going to be the last time I ever see any of you, I'm bisexual. You want to know more? Ask Jackson. He's the one who dated me for two months just to get my secrets. You can also ask him why this is my last day here. Go ahe-"

It flashed to Harry standing on a bridge.
"I guess this is it. This is the best life gets, I guess."
He jumped, but a bystander saw and ran over and caught him in time.
"Do you need help? Do I need to call someone? Your parents?"
"Let me go! It's better this way! Everyone hates me already! I don't need to live I need to die! This is the only way!"
"Only way to do what?"
"If I die, they'll all finally be happy. Maybe they won't hurt anybody any more. Just let. Me. Go. Please."
"I-I can't. Suicide is how I lost my son, he jumped off of this very bridge, I can't let someone else suffer the same fate, I'm sure your family-"
"What family? The only people I actually consider family are dead. I'm just a servant to my mother's sister and brother in law. Your son may have had people care for him but-"

And it ended again. Draco wiped away his tears and checked the book.

Random bursts of memories may pop up after the intended time limit. This is completely normal and has nothing to do with the potion or it's user.

As much as Draco hated saying it, he saw why Harry was a Gryffindor now, he was so brave through everything. He thought more about the memory. That Jackson dude was a jerk, that was one thing he was sure about. He noticed, from across the room, that Harry was twitching. Seeing as it said nothing about twitching in the book, he went to check on his lover. He saw that Harry's eyes we're pricking with tears threatening to spill, and once his bright, green eyes shot open, they did. He grasped onto Draco and held tightly, crying into his shoulder. Draco, getting over his shock quite quickly, started comforting the boy. Whispering 'I love you's and 'you'll be alright's, hugging him gently, giving soft kisses on the cheeks, and being as lovey-dovey as possible. He had seen hell, and it was harsh.

Just a little picture to go with the story :)

Just a little picture to go with the story :)

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