Christmas Shopping (14)

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(Sorry for the music, couldn't find anything better for this chapter)
3rd person POV
"But Draaaaayyyyy! I can't Christmas shop for you like this!" Harry gestured to their conjoined hands.
"I'm not I'm a much better place," Draco chuckled, "I can't shop for you either! Pansy clearly didn't think this through.
"Well, we can't head back now. I'll do my shopping, since I can only get so many gifts."
"Who are you buying for?"
"Ron, 'Mione, and a collective gift for the Slytherin house. I'll have to do my shopping for you in... eleven days.
"Ooh, so you've grown to like the Slytherins, eh?" Draco smirked.
Harry hit Draco's arm playfully, "You know I have."
"Okay, where to first?"
They first went to a candy store for Ron, then a book store.
"So, I'll let you in on the Slytherin gift."
"What is it?"
"A book on parseltounge!" Harry said, excited.
"Snakes are like, your house animal right? It'll be cool to learn their language!"
"Huh, never thought about that. Sounds good!"

After getting Hermione's gift as well as the Slytherin gift, they went to a few other shops to get Draco's gifts, then ended up at the Three Broomsticks to wait for the others.

As it got later, Draco realized something.
"Harry... We were supposed to meet them at Weasly's Wheezers."
"Oh f**k."

They dashed to the store, which was closed.
"There you are! We were looking everywhere for you!"
Harry rubbed the back of his neck.
"We thought we were supposed to meet at Three Broomsticks, sorry."
"It's fine, let's head back before curfew."

Once at Hogwarts, Harry and Draco attempted to wrap gifts, but with no success.
"Guess they'll have to hide for ten more days until we can wrap them."

A/N: Sorry for the short filler chapter. I'm tired and I have a headache, so no ideas are really coming to me, sorry again.

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