Going out (16)

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It was time for the Slytherin outing.
"Are you sure you're okay going?"
Draco asked, particularly worried.
"I-I'll be fine. If it gets to be too much I'll tell you and we can come back, okay? K know you're worried about what happened yesterday, but the Slytherins are pretty chill! You should know that. I'd be worried for the Gryffindor outing."
Harry reassured.
"Okay.. "

They went to the meeting place.
"Harry! Oh my gosh, is what they said true? We never knew, we're so sorry!" Pansy asked. She was glad to see them, she was worried that they weren't coming.
"Uh yeah, it's true, but please don't apologize! It wasn't your fault."
Harry said.
"Yeah, mate, do you know who said that? Based on their tone of voice and how they said everything, I'm guessing that they didn't have permission."
"Er.. no. I have no clue."
"We'll take 'em down! Burn them to the ground!"
Pansy half-joked, which at least made Harry laugh.
"Wait so what are you sexualities or are you gay?"
"I'm bi, Draco's gay." Harry said.
"I'm pan, like my name. " Pansy said, "I guess my mum and dad just knew, they weren't even surprised when I came out. Or maybe they thought it was a joke." Pansy said, now starting to walk towards the Three Broomsticks with the others.

Once they were inside they order food. No one's home life or sexuality was brought up again. They all silently agreed that today was going to be a fun, no drama day.
Little did Harry and Draco know, the Slytherins were planning something.

Draco had to use the restroom, so Harry, obviously, had to leave too.

"So is plan Throne a-go when we get back, or do you want to wait until dinner?"
"We should probably put it in affect as soon as possible. It'll be more effective that way."
"But do we have to make the announcement before dinner, or can it wait?"
"I'd have to talk to the Hufflepuff prefect on that one. They're making the announcement, or at least helping with it. Just then, Harry and Draco came back.
"Hey Harry, you wanna hear the story behind how we got Draco to wear a cowboy hat, and ride a stick horse?"
"Pansy no-"
"Sure! Sounds like fun!"

Pansy proceeded to tell Harry about the time the Slytherins played would you rather and Pansy asked Draco if he would rather confess his feelings to Harry or dress up like a cowboy and ride around on a stick horse. Draco chose the latter and, well, you know the rest. Then, she began the story of how they took Draco to a muggle magic show because he was interested and then ended up calling the magician a murderer because he misheard 'abracadabra' and thought he was shooting the killing curse. Long story short, he yell at a bunch of children to get down, called an innocent man a murderer, and got kicked out of a show for five year olds. After that tale, she told him about Blaise stumbling into the common room with blood shot eyes causing one of the Slytherins to say 'Next on... Does Blaise do drugs?'
After a while, they actually did some shopping and headed back to Hogwarts for dinner.
"I would like to make an announcement," said the Hufflepuff prefect. "If any of you have a problem with Harry Potter and/or Draco Malfoy, you may take your issue up with the Hufflepuffs or the Slytherins. I don't think the announcement made yesterday was appropriate and we will figure out who made it and we will take it up with Dumbledore. Thank you."
As soon as the prefect stepped down, Dumbledore stepped up to the podium.
"Whoever made that announcement will be expelled from Hogwarts immediately. Even if you are normally a very bright, kind student the punishment is the same. Money nor charm nor grades will get you out of this. I do believe Pansy Parkinson has something to say as well.
"We know who you are and we know what you've done in the past. We're going to let you suffer a few weeks, then we'll expose you and expel you. That is all."

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