[| Bangtan Five |]

309 6 5

[|Gate In Seoul|BTS Multiship|]

"The one chosen, can't go back home."


The young 18-year-old Yoongi was sighing, playing his video game in the back seat of the car as it drove along an empty road.

Green was all he saw when he looked around. Everything was green.

His parents decided it would be good for Yoongi to get fresh air and not sit inside, playing the electric keyboard all day.

It was saying goodbye to the band he was in, and saying hello to a boring life at a wine orchard, where his father wanted to make his own wine and sell it.

The house was old, and many townsfolk from a few kilometers south were sure it was haunted.

Of course Yoongi's father had to choose the haunted inn to live.

"Yoongi, get off your phone!" His mother whined at him. "Look around you!"

"Isn't it beautiful?" His father asked with glee.

Yoongi sighs and looks up at the landscape. "Yeah, pretty." He replies sarcastically. "A lot of green." He mumbles, bowing his head back to his video game.

"Cheer up, Yoongi." His mother says comfortingly. "We're almost there, we know you don't like car rides but this is the last one there, I promise!"

"And that's what I'm worried about..." Yoongi mumbles softly, covering both his ears with his headphones and waits for the long ride to end, going from the large Daegu, to the small town outside of Seoul.

When the car was parked on the gravely stone path, Yoongi stays in his seat as his parents pay and gain the keys.

Their dog has come as well, and Yoongi just knows he feels the same as him.

Holly's head rests on his lap, sighing deeply every now and then.

Yoongi ruffles a hand through his fur. "You and me both, Holly. You and me both..."

His mother knocks at the window, and Yoongi rolls it down annoyed, already hearing the stream of water and chirping of birds.

"Come out, sweetheart."

"No thanks. I'm good in the car." Yoongi spits rudely.

"Yoongi, come out! It's nice out here!" His father laughs.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and rolls his window back up, the door locked as he ignores his parents' encouragement about how great the old inn is.

Eventually Yoongi's gets out of the car, Holly jumping behind him as he stretches. Against his will, Yoongi walks inside of the old place.

All of their boxed furniture is scattered around the rooms. It reeks of old burned wood and fresh paint, the interior looking like it's from the middle centuries.

"Dad. Why did we move here?" He snarls with disgust.

"Well, son, my mother always used to take me here when I was your age." His father replies.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I'm already bored. The car was better." He growls.

"Come on, Yoongi." His mother says, trying to make him smile as she takes her hand-painted paintings from the protective foil and begins to line them up. "This is a new start-"

"It's a start I never wanted to make!" Yoongi yells. "I had friends! I was in a band! Have you even thought about how I felt about this?!"

His parents stay silent as Yoongi runs his hands through his hair annoyed.

Mythical Short Stories 방탄소년단 PART 2Where stories live. Discover now