I don't say anything about it and just hold her. Elena is the one I was most mad at when I left, but I still missed her. Even though I actually ran from her, she is my sister and I need her in my life.

An hour later, everyone sits in my room. They gathered some chairs from all over the place and put them in a circle around my bed. They tell me what they went through the last month and everything that happened that month.

Damon and I tell them about what we went through, but again we don't share all the details with them. I think Damon will tell Stefan everything, but not now.

I know Elena wants to know everything. Every single detail and everything we felt. But I don't tell her. I don't want to go through it again and I don't want her to go through it.

"Do we know anything about that guy that did this to us?" Damon asks. "You can't just go after him, Damon," Jenna says. Damon smiles at her, "I'm just curious."

I know that's not true. He wants nothing more than to go after that guy and kill him in the most painful way he can think of.

"We don't know anything. We just have to wait for Liz to find him," Alaric says. Damon sighs, "dammit."

I look at Damon and reach for his hand. He sits close to me so I grab it and hold it. "They'll find him," I tell him. Damon smiles at me and holds my hand with both his hands.

I hear an annoyed sigh from the other side of the room. I look into Damon's eyes and see he rolls them, getting annoyed as well.

"Something you want to say, Elena?" Damon asks. We both look over to her. Just like we thought she looks annoyed. "Yes, I want you to get away from my sister," Elena says.

She doesn't face me, she only looks straight at Damon. "Well too bad," Damon says. Elena gets even more annoyed and I see Stefan shakes his head as well.

"I feel tired, I think I will take a nap," I say. I don't want this conversation to happen. I know it will sometime, but I don't want it now.

I let go of Damon's hand and lay down. "If everyone can just leave, thank you," I say. I know I annoy everyone even more, but I really am tired.

"Abby is right, let's just leave. She needs to rest," Jenna says. Everyone stands up and walks out of the room, except Damon.

"Damon, come on," Alaric says. "No, I am staying," he says. I hear Elena sigh. "Don't be a dick, just come," she says. "No thanks, I am good," Damon says.

Elena walks back into the room. "If anyone should stay with her, it should be me," she says. "Why? So you can be a dick to her?" Damon asks.

I roll to my side and turn my back to Elena. I leave my eyes open and look at Damon. He doesn't look at me, he just looks at Elena.

"I am being a dick? You are the one who ruined her! You got her in danger," Elena says. Damon shakes his head. "We all know that that's not true," he says, "We ran away because of you."

"No, you ran away because of you! She was perfectly fine at home, without you. Nobody made you run away from your problems, that was all your idea," she says. Damon laughs, "you didn't give us much of a choice."

"I did. You could've just leave Abby alone, but you didn't," Elena says. She talks about me like I am already asleep, but she has to know I could never fall asleep like this.

Damon sighs and looks at me. I don't say anything and don't move. I just want them to go out of my room. I don't mind having Damon in here, but not along with Elena.

"So the choice you gave was leaving Abby or...?" Damon asks. "Or nothing, you just had to leave her," Elena says. Damon laughs, "that's not much of a choice."

"Why don't we just let Abby sleep," Jeremy suggests. "Yes, let's go people," Alaric says. "After Damon," Elena says. I know she stands there staring at Damon with fire in her eyes and crossed arms.

"I am not leaving," Damon says. "Then neither am I," Elena says. "Just go, Elena. You are only here to hurt her. You don't want what's best for her, you want what's best for you!" Damon says.

"I want what's best for her, she just can't see that I am right," Elena says. "You are only hurting her! How can't you see how happy she was? I honestly had never seen her more happy than she was with me before you ruined it all," Damon says.

He stands up and only looks at Elena. "That's what you think," Elena says, "you both know that this isn't right. She may feel happy now, but sooner or later she will find out I was right all along."

"Well, we will see when that moment comes. If it even comes," Damon says. "No, I will not sit back and wait for you to hurt her," Elena says.

I sigh and sit up. I look at Elena. "You don't have a choice," I tell her, "I get to say who I want in my room. Clearly you can't let me sleep, so please leave."

"Fine, let's go Damon," Elena says. I look at Damon, who looks at me. I know he is asking me without words if I want him to leave or not. I sigh. I don't really want to be all alone now. The idea of someone staying in my room with me, makes me feel a lot safer.

"Damon is not gonna leave anyway," I tell Elena. She looks confused, yet angry. "Abby..." she starts, but I shake my head. "Just leave," I tell her.

Elena looks at me, then at Damon. "You guys are insane," she says. She turns around and angrily walks out of the room. She throws the door closed behind her.

I sigh and lay down again. Damon sits down in the chair beside me and looks at me.

"I am so sorry for her behaviour," he says. I smile at him, "not your fault." Damon moves a little closer and touches my head with his hand.

"I guess we will have to find a way to deal with her," he says. I nod, "I hoped she would give it a chance, like Jer."

Damon looks confused, "he gave us a chance?" I smile and nod. "But he will fight you when he thinks he has to," I warn him. Damon smiles, "I understand. He is a good brother."

I smile proudly, "yes, he is." And with that I close my eyes. I feel how Damon moves closer to me and kisses my head. "I am right here," he says.

Somehow these words don't give me the safe feeling I would expect. While his hand touches my arm and pets it until i fall asleep, I feel scared. I have to take a few deep breaths before I can really relax.

Damon is here, I am safe, I can fall asleep now...

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