Chapter Forty Four: (Part Two) Birthday Girl

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- LILY -

The remainder of lunch continued as usual, with added teasing and joking for me, to both my immense pleasure and displeasure. The entire Gryffindor house sung me a booming Happy Birthday with the orchestration of Sirius Black at the very head of the table. Everyone joined in at the staff table too, I even thought I saw Minerva bending over double with laughter. A few Hufflepuffs and some rare Ravneclaws sung along, the rest of the hall watching with amusement. My cheeks remained the same tomato red through transfiguration and charms following break, only deepening when Flitwick insisted the class sing me happy birthday again, as a treat. Remus had been right about giving us all the minimum amount of work. The task we'd been assigned could be completed within ten minutes if you were concentrated enough. McGonagall on the other hand had been an entire different case. I wouldn't dream of her lessening any amount of work for something as silly as my birthday, so had no failed expectations whatsoever when she assigned us fifteen inches on animagi to be in by Friday. Lucky that I had three best friends who were animagi themselves - although she could never, ever know that.
The sharp bell rung through McGonagall's productive room, sending a wave of relief over all of those who were seated. I slid my too-thick textbook of gibberish back into my satchel, flashing a warm smile at Minnie, before darting through the door as fast as I possibly good. I pinned myself to the wall, a small smile curving my mouth upwards when I realised that I'd been seventeen for exactly one hour, now; born at at 2:29 pm precisely.
"Did that make no sense, or did that make no sense?" Marlene asked as she appeared through the flowing doorway, her curled hair crimped with stress and a crease imbedded between her brows.
"It made almost no sense." I snorted, sighing deeply. She made a face and tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for the others to join us. Mary, Pete and Alice came clambering into the corridor, all throwing dark looks over their shoulders.
"Erm - something happen?" I asked mildly, brushing a spot of black off Alice's shoulder when they reached us. Mar and Ali exchanged a glance, rolling their eyes simultaneously. The very same second a (covered head to toe in black soot) Sirius Black and James Potter emerged from what seemed to be smoke.
"Oh!" James called, laughing heartily. A choking, spluttering sound escaped him as he cleared his throat. "Hello, there."
"Bastards let off their own creation." Pete muttered, fighting a grin. "Dung bomb mixed with sizzling fireworks. It's been in the making a while now - apparently Minnie was the best candidate for experimenting."
"James Fleamont Potter," I sighed, me and Marlene both shaking our heads. "You are headboy." I emphasised the word, glaring at him.
He rolled his eyes at me, slinging a black stained arm around my shoulder. "Ah yes - but I am still James Fleamont Potter, my love."
I shrugged out from underneath his arm, tutting but finding myself suppressing a small smile. "Fools, you are." I sighed, looking the two of them up and down. They stood there in the middle of the corridor, looking at me like wounded, guilty puppies who'd rolled in dirt with their tongues lolling out. I gave in, laughing loudly at their attire.
"Oh, here." I laughed, waving my wand in one fluid motion and removing all traces from their uniform and skin.
"Thanks Evans." Sirius winked, shaking out his shaggy hair.
"One day...." Remus sighed, shaking his head and starting off along the corridor, towards the bend and moving staircases.


We'd rounded the final bend and the mourning monk was in view. My lips pulled up into an enormous smile that made my cheeks ache, and I immediately picked up my pace - breaking into a jog, causing my feet to patter loudly against the stone and echo like bulleting rain.
"Richard," I squealed to the mourning monk, who inclined his head politely and swung open on his magical hinges. I heard a chortle behind me and rolled my eyes at James' choice of password, always in maturity, of course. My feet danced themselves across the room, everything seeming much brighter and much more enlightening then it had seemed yesterday. Without so much as a glance backwards I disappeared behind my door, ridding of my uniform and changing into my comfiest black tights and famous Oxford hoody. I paused before leaving, the urge to look in the mirror tempting me to the point of defeat. I glanced at my reflection, surprised to see the diamonds that glittered in my eyes, matching my neck. My cheeks were flushed and my lips pulled into a smile, igniting my face into a wholly new person. I couldn't remember the last time I'd looked in the mirror and seen something that looked whole...not an empty shell of Lily Evans. Something that radiated undeniable and consuming joy. I wrenched my hair out of its tight pony tail and shook it out. My smile stretched into a wide grin at my discovery as I turned my back on this happy, legal, Lily Evans.
"I'm seventeen!" I almost squealed as I spun my way into the common room, James' decorations from earlier withstanding the day. I flopped into my armchair contentedly, the idea of exploring the world and being one hundred percent in control of my own magic - exciting me to the point where I was jittery.
"Should we sing happy birthday again?" Marlene grinned.
"That was humiliating." I laughed, shaking my head. "But I found myself loving it. Merlin, I really am going to Miss Hogwarts. The outside world is hardly as friendly."
"You never know til you get out there." Alice piped in, flashing me a wide smile.
"My taste hasn't been mouthwatering." Sirius wrinkled his nose, a hand on Marlene's lower back. "But - maybe with the right people, it'll be like chocolate fudge pudding."
I snorted, knowing that was his favourite.
"What an analogy." Mary chuckled, sinking into big red (our nickname for the couch).
"You have a good day, Lil?" Rem asked thoughtfully, his face brighter then it had been in days.
"I sure did." I beamed, reflecting. "It was sensational."
"Can I top that and make it perfect?" His angel voice called me to turn in anticipation, a glowing grin already on my face. What I saw almost took my breath away, despite it's normality. James stood in the portrait hole, leaning against the wall with an ease only he could accomplish. A wide impish grin flashed at me, matching his glowing eyes. I breathed in sharply, temporarily forgetting the other inhabitants of the room; he was glorious.
"Perfect?" I murmured, a funny feeling settling in my belly. What was he insinuating? In front of everyone?
"Up for round three?" He grinned, ruffling his hair. A frown etched itself between my brows in confusion, and I arched an eyebrow.
"Happy Birthday to you," He sung, his infectious sparkling grin robbing me of breath. James waved his wand, and through the portrait hole came what looked like a feast; beer, whiskey, sausage rolls, pizzas, collective cream puffs, eclairs, many many assorted treats, and finally; the most enormous lemon cheesecake I'd ever seen. What looked like seventeen brightly coloured candles were stuck in the mix, creating the shape of a cursive L.
"Happy Birthday to you," James continued, the others behind him joining in now. I covered my mouth and alarmingly big smile, a warmth so hot spreading through my chest it was sure to melt away my flesh until I was nothing but bones.
James levitated the huge feast into the room, setting it upon the already cleared coffee table.
"Happy Birthday to you," they went on, Marlene laughing herself silly at my reaction.
"Happy birthday dear - Ginger, Lily, Lils, Lily-Flower, (all at once )- Happy birthday to you!"
"Hip hip!" Sirius boomed, flashing me a famous grin.
"Hooray!" They chorused, Remus flicking his
Wand and sending gold glitter all over the room, showering me in it.
"Hip hip!" He boomed.
"Hooray." James whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my bare skin. I giggled, pressing my cheek against his own. The warmth from his skin relaxed me, just as a hot cup of tea would. Fast, and not without giving me goosebumps.
"Awww, guys." I exclaimed, clasping my hands together and pouting slightly. I willed for the burning in my eyes to recede as I beheld the glowing faces before me.
"Oh god, we set the waterworks off." I heard Sirius mutter in Rem's ear. My head shot up in surprise, only to find a grimace plastered to his face.
"Oi!" Marlene chuckled nervously, hitting him on the shoulder. It had been a faked lighthearted laugh, which made me pause - hesitant. It was quiet for a moment as Marlene shot Sirius a not so surreptitious glare.
"Have I really been that miserable?" I asked quietly, biting down on my lip. Losing my parents had taken an enormous toll, but not nearly as big as I'd imagined in the beginning. I was doing just fine...step by step. But had I, stuck in my own head worrying about my own pain, been too blind to notice my best friends hurting over me? My heart began to race, shooting around like those roller coasters Petunia hated so much.
"No, Lily!" Alice exclaimed hurriedly, also shooting Sirius a dirty look. "Sirius was kidding!"
"Weren't you?" Marlene said to him in a dangerous tone, her eyes darkening. If I were Sirius, I'd be sprinting from the room with my tail between my legs. By the looks of Remus on his right; he agreed.
"Right." Sirius agreed apologetically, completely unfazed by Marlene's daggers, and extending a hand to me. "I'm sorry, Ginger. I didn't mean it that way." His lips pulled up into a wide smile. "Promise. Only meant that you really must love us if we can get a birthday cake that makes you cry. And that's only because -" He added on when Marlene continued glaring him down. "We know you never do. Cry, that is." He grinned at me widely, his stormy eyes swimming with honesty.
I relaxed, letting out a lungful of air. Sirius was just teasing.
"But besides that," I pushed on after a moment of silence. "Even though you were just playing with me..." Unable to meet anyone's eyes I glanced down to my feet, noticing my undone lace. A puddle of guilt settled in my stomach, aching like cramped muscles. "Have I been bad? Selfish? I hadn't realised until no-"
Before I could get out another word I was cut off by a strong pair of arms, with a familiar yet surprising scent clinging to the sweater sleeves they were sheathed in. Remus squeezed me softly, and it felt like he was letting me know that it was okay; that he was there. So I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed him back, never feeling more connected to him.
After a few moments, Rem pulled away, and I thought I might've seen his eyes glisten.
"Lily you've done better then any one of us could have done." He murmured softly, placing a consoling hand on my shoulder. I blinked, looking up into his pretty baby blue eyes, struggling to comprehend what was happening.
He continued, "We never could've imagined you would charge on so bravely. You're the strongest person we know. You're doing...better then amazing."
"Which is why," Marlene put in, appearing by Rem's side. She smiled at me softly, her expression gentle. "We want you to know that you don't have to hold it all in, Lil. We are here for you no matter what." Her warm smile grew, and an enormous wave of gratitude for my best friend and sister washed over me.
"Told you my love." James murmured in my ear again, his hand snaking around my waist. I almost sighed, letting myself melt into his now familiar touch.
"You're a warrior."
My mouth twitched.
"Now the waterworks really are going to start." I muttered, biting down on my lip. I glanced from Remus to Marlene, unable to find the words. "I don't kn-"
"It's unnecessary." Remus waved a hand, shaking his head.
"Lily, it's your birthday." Marlene laughed exasperatingly, slinging an arm around my other side so that I was now fully armed by my personal security guards. "Let loose! Who cares if it's school tomorrow, you can be a little late if you really want. First period is potions - easy peasy." She flashed her pearly whites, giving me a squeeze. I chuckled internally, because today's first period had been potions. Tomorrow was artithmacy - not so easy peasy. Remus and I shared a glance as Marlene continued speaking, and I felt my cheeks bulge with held in laughter.
"Today we celebrate you!" She was exclaiming, beaming at me enthusiastically.
"Bugger." I took a long, deep breath. "Fine. Fine, yes - yes!" I nodded excitedly, sliding my arms around James and Marlene on either side of me. "Tonight I want to get absolutely trolled and eat far too much food, because it's my eighteen birthday and I'm allowing myself to be selfish for just one bloody day."
James coughed in my ear subtlety, his breath tickling my neck. "First of all Lil, that's not selfish."
"Say it again." Sirius preached, pointing a knowing finger at me. I gave him a sheepish grin.
"Second of all," James murmured, and I froze - waiting for the bomb.
"That's the spirit, baby!" He grinned, grasping my hand and spinning me around to face him. I wobbled on my feet as he gave me a thundering high five, almost sending me flying into the carpet. A loud laugh escaped my lips when he bent to scoop me up into his arms, leaning in to smother my face with kisses.
"Argh!" I burrowed my face into his chest, laughing as he gently placed me onto my feet and wrapped his arms around my middle tightly.
"Wait, wait, I have something before we kick the night off." Marlene called out, raising her hands before us. I arched a single brow at her, cocking my head.
"Lily, do you really think you could get away with turning eighteen and not he receiving any presents from us?" Marls grinned at me, her eyes sparkling.
I gasped. "Marlene, you shouldn't have!" I exclaimed, pointing a finger at her accusingly. "Oh Marlene, you said you wouldn't -"
"I lied." She grinned wider, wiggling her brows. Turning to face James's open bedroom door, she flicked her wand sharply - and seconds later, a pile of silver wrapping came soaring through the air, right into my arms. I slipped from James grasp as his broad arms loosened around me, sinking into big red besides us. A wide smile curved up my face as I surveyed the room.
"Who am I thanking?" I murmured, glancing down to the pile. It was small, but it wasn't tiny. Meaning...more then a Knut had been spent on me, and I wasn't sure if I was too happy about that.
"All of us." Sirius winked, sliding an arm over Marlene's shoulder and bumping hips.
"We all kind of put our ideas together." Mar piped in, her lips pulled into a wide smile. "You'll love it."
Willing for the familiar burning in my eyes to yet again fade, I reached for the first, and smallest, parcel. It was about the size of my palm, perhaps a little box. I ripped it open with no time to waste, not having a single clue as to what it could be. Into my hand fell indeed, a small black box, with the word 'vintage goods' engraved. I held my breath as my fingers unclasped the front, beholding what was inside: a pair of rounded, pearl earrings.

All Of Me | A Jily Love StoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara